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Cypress oil

Cypress oil...

Cupressaceae or cypress is an evergreen coniferous handsome that reaches a height of up to 30 meters. In the natural environment, it can be found in the Mediterranean, while for medicinal and decorative purposes cypress is grown in many countries where the climate is warm. For example, in Russia, cypress trees grow in the territory of Crimea.

By ancient Greeks and Romans, cypress was highly valued and considered a very durable tree. It was used in the construction of ships and for other household needs. In addition, cypresses cased dwellings, grottoes and temples, and also used almost all parts of the plant for medicinal purposes.

In general, cypress essential oil is extracted from the fruits of the plant - nuts, but leaves and small twigs are often used. The composition and properties of cypress oil are determined by the type of plant along with the collection time of the raw materials and the conditions under which distillation was carried out. Thus, this natural concentrate contains terpene alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons - terpene, camphene, terpineol, cimol, sabinol, pinene and many other substances.

It is these components that determine the remarkable properties of cypress oil, which has the ability to provoke the death of many pathogens, restore the emotional state of a person, and also have a beneficial effect on the human skin when used externally.

The largest volumes of cypress oil are produced in Italy and France. This yellowish or almost transparent liquid has a very attractive aroma, which, depending on the type of plant, can be coniferous or woody, heady or invigorating, sweet-spicy or slightly smoky - sometimes it can combine shades of all these aromas.

Cypress essential oil can be consumed orally. To do this, it is recommended to dilute it in slightly acidified water, fermented milk products or juices - very fragrant and healthy drinks are obtained. In addition, a few drops of this natural concentrate, added to jam or natural honey help fight a wide variety of diseases and ailments.

Cypress oil is characterized by the presence of deodorizing, astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, vasoconstrictive and soothing actions. In addition, the use of this essential oil improves memory, eliminates distraction and headaches, and normalizes hormonal balance, especially in representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

With the help of cypress oil, you can eliminate bleeding gums and other spot hemorrhages, prevent nervous breakdowns, remove colic - renal, hepatic, gastric and intestinal. This concentrated product helps to fight overweight, has an effective effect in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, asthma, influenza, whooping cough and similar diseases.

899 kCal cypress oil

The energy value of cypress oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%