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Grapefruit oil

Grapefruit oil...

Grapefruit oil, which is clear yellow with a hint of green, is no less popular today than the fruit itself. Moreover, its use is not limited to the cosmetic properties of grapefruit oil - this natural concentrate is widely in demand in cooking, medicine and perfumes.

It is worth noting that the method of making grapefruit oil is no different from the methods of producing other essential compositions derived from citrus fruits. Thus, the peel of each fruit is separated from the pulp and oil is squeezed out with the help of a press in the absence of heat treatment. True, due to the fact that in grapefruit the oil-containing glands lie quite deep, the percentage of the resulting product is slightly less than, for example, in orange or lemon.

The worst quality is grapefruit oil obtained from residues in the manufacture of juice (peels and mezgi), as well as if it is produced by distillation of the starting product. Typically, grapefruit oil is widely produced in Israel, the United States of America and Brazil.

The use of grapefruit oil in minimal amounts in cooking is quite common, where it is added when preparing various salad dressings, light snacks, dessert dishes and pastries. In addition, many drinks with the addition of grapefruit oil improve their taste and aroma. True, when using this natural concentrate, it is always necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage recommendations.

Enrichment of products with grapefruit essential oil is customary in several ways. For example, the concentrate may be added directly to the beverage or flavored with sugar or granulated sugar. In addition, it is not uncommon to add grapefruit oil to a tea brew.

Undoubtedly, the aromatic properties of grapefruit oil are very important, but its medicinal qualities make this natural substance in demand in medicine and cosmetology. Thus, experts distinguish several main properties of grapefruit oil. First of all, it has a bile and diuretic effect, has a stimulating and tonic effect. This essential oil can act as an antidepressant and antiseptic.

Grapefruit essential oil is used in both non-traditional and official medicine to treat many diseases. In particular, it is prescribed to increase immunity, get rid of migraine pains, and also simply to improve mood. For ailments of the liver and gallbladder, this natural remedy is recommended to be taken by mouth.

True, before using grapefruit oil, it must be borne in mind that it has a number of contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended to use grapefruit oil in the presence of allergies and other types of intolerance to citrus crops. In addition, this oil cannot be used when in the sun - grape is phototoxic, albeit to a lesser extent than lemon or orange.

896 kCal grapefruit oil

Energy value of grapefruit oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%