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Broccoli oil

Broccoli oil...

In recent decades, the assortment of domestic stores has represented an unprecedented variety of various food products, many of which were previously inaccessible to domestic consumers. An increasing number of people are beginning to seriously think about their health, as well as their diet. Asparagus cabbage broccoli began to be in demand and popular in our latitudes relatively recently.

However, in a fairly short period of time, broccoli cabbage was able to take a worthy place in the diet of many of our compatriots. According to its biological essence and structure, broccoli cabbage belongs to annual vegetable crops from the cabbage family. Broccoli cabbage is considered the closest relative of cauliflower. The head of broccoli is eaten directly.

Broccoli cabbage compares favorably with other members of the family with its unique vitamin-mineral composition, which contains a record amount of vitamin C, as well as other substances that are certainly useful for the human body. The motherland of such a type of cabbage as broccoli is considered the Mediterranean region, as well as Mala Asia.

In fact, the history of broccoli cabbage dates back a thousand years, since the ancient Romans were the first to grow the vegetable. Broccoli is used to prepare a wide variety of culinary products. In addition, broccoli acts as a vegetable raw material for obtaining valuable vegetable oil. Broccoli oil is obtained from plant seeds by cold pressing and extraction.

The chemical composition of broccoli oil contains saturated, polyunsaturated, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids, which are considered incredibly beneficial for human health. Depending on the production method, broccoli oil may differ in color. Broccoli oil can have a dark swamp color when using cold pressing and yellow when producing the product by extraction.

It is worth noting that broccoli oil does not differ in the presence of a pronounced aroma. Researchers claim that the chemical composition of broccoli oil contains a complex of perfectly balanced fatty acids that is unique in nature. Broccoli oil is used in the production of medicines and cosmetics that are aimed at caring for skin, as well as hair.

In cosmetology, broccoli oil is used as a natural replacement for silicone. Due to its unique chemical composition, broccoli oil is considered an excellent remedy that is used for various cosmetic and spa treatments. In addition, refined broccoli oil is used in cooking, like other types of vegetable oils.

Broccoli oil is used to prepare salads from fresh vegetables, and the product is also used to improve the nutritional and beneficial properties of other types of vegetable oils. That is why. broccoli oil is often used in a mixture of various oils, which later act as a salad dressing.

broccoli oils 884 kCal

Energy value of broccoli oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 102% | 0%