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Orange oil

Orange oil...

In appearance, orange oil is a fluid liquid, characterized by the yellow-orange color and sweet fruity aroma of this citrus. It is customary to obtain essential oil from fresh orange peel, for which the cold-pressed method is used along with distillation with steam from orange peel.

Interestingly, in many countries, especially in Brazil and America, the production of orange essential oil is combined with the production of orange juice. However, it is worth noting that the final product is not of too high quality. The best in terms of quality is considered oil made from Guinean and Spanish oranges.

As you know, orange tree leaves are necessary for the production of petitgrain oil, while the fragrant flowers of this plant act as the starting material for the production of neroli oil. Essential orange oil can be obtained from two types of fruits - sweet and bitter orange. These two varieties distinguish the composition and proportions of the active substances that are contained in the finished oil. So, bitter orange oil (pomeranian) has a more subtle aroma.

Currently, the use of orange oil is quite wide - it is actively used both in culinary affairs and in medicine and cosmetology. True, when handling this concentrate, you always need to adhere to the dosage rules, that is, strictly follow the recommended dose of oil.

The most common use of orange oil in the amount of several drops when preparing dressings for salads, light snacks, pastries and desserts. In addition, a variety of drinks with the addition of orange essential oil significantly improves the taste and aroma of kefir, yogurt, tea or juice.

Incidentally, the enrichment of orange oil can be carried out in various ways, including the direct addition of concentrate to the beverage, the aromatization of sugar or granulated sugar, and the addition of essential oil to the tea brew.

Orange oil composition

The composition of orange oil, which is commercially produced by squeezing, contains substances such as limonene in an amount of 95%, linalool, a-terpineol and decyl aldehyde. At the same time, in that part of the essential oil that is not able to evaporate, auropten is present.

The benefits of orange oil

It has been proven that the spectrum of orange oil is truly wide. Due to the antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, deodorizing, tonic (in relation to the lymphatic and digestive systems) properties of orange oil, it is actively used in the therapy of various diseases.

In addition, the benefits of orange oil as an effective natural antidepressant are known. And due to the ability of orange oil to stimulate appetite well, it is often used in the treatment of a fairly common disease today as anorexia.

896 kCal orange oil

Energy value of orange oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%