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Apricot seed oil

Apricot seed oil...

The very first information on apricot seed oil is found in Chinese chronicles, which date back to about 3000 BC. Gradually, through Armenia, it became widespread in Greece and Italy, from where it became known throughout European territory. It is worth noting that it is known for certain that in the 1st century AD they knew about the beneficial properties of apricot seed oil in Europe.

Apricot seed oil, which is also often called apricot oil, is usually obtained by cold pressing apricot seeds. By the way, in some cases, in the process of industrial manufacture of this most valuable oil, mixing apricot seeds with plum or cherry plums is quite permissible.

Apricot seed oil is classified as base oil. This natural product is characterized by a light yellow transparent color along with a mild but very pleasant aroma. By the way, according to the consistency, this oil is quite liquid and slightly viscous. The composition of apricot oil is largely reminiscent of peach and almond oil, which are also basic. Often such oils are used undiluted or act as a basis for different oil mixtures.

For culinary purposes, apricot seed oil is used as a flavoring agent in the preparation of some dishes, liqueurs, salads. The use of this oil is most characteristic of Italian cuisine. However, due to the high cost of this product, it is added for aroma, and not cooked on it.

The beneficial properties of apricot seed oil are contained in the content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic and many others). These valuable substances in the composition of this product contribute to the improvement of the work of many organs and systems of the human body, the natural moistening of the skin and the preservation of its elasticity.

It is worth noting that the oil of apricot seeds is inherent in anti-inflammatory, sedative, emollient, nutritious, moisturizing, antiseptic, antioxidant and tonic properties. Thanks to this, it is actively used in medicine and pharmaceuticals in the treatment of many diseases. Thus, the healing properties of apricot bone oil are used in the treatment of tumors and ulcers, hemorrhoidal nodes, skin diseases, as well as pain in the ears and sinus.

In addition, apricot bone oil is highly valued in cosmetology, where it is one of the important components in the composition of a considerable amount of cosmetics that are intended for hair and facial skin care, as well as for nail strengthening and eyelash growth. Apricot bone oil is considered ideal for skin that is vitamin deficient, lacking adequate nutrition and hydration.

884 kCal apricot seed oils

Energy value of apricot seed oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 102% | 0%