Raspberry syrup

Fresh raspberries are rightly considered incredibly healthy and very tasty berries. It is adored not only by children, but most adults will not refuse to treat themselves to these wonderful, unusually fragrant gifts of the forest. You can just bite a handful of raspberries and feel the harmony of taste and aroma of summer, but many like to add raspberries to a variety of sweet dishes and desserts.
As you know, raspberries remarkably tolerate heat treatment, due to which many hostesses very often harvest these juicy berries for the winter. You can make jam, povidlo, jam or compote from fresh raspberries. In addition, it is often frozen or even dried. In this form, a significant amount of useful substances remains in the product: vitamins, mineral salts and essential amino acids.
Another great way to prepare fresh raspberries for the winter is to prepare raspberry syrup. Homemade raspberry syrup is a great product that can be used to make a variety of soft drinks and cocktails. In addition, crimson syrup is often added to ready-made sweet dishes as topping, fragrant impregnation or as part of a variety of pastry creams and fillings.
To prepare raspberry syrup at home, you need to stock up on fresh raspberries and sugar sand in equal proportions. In addition, some culinary experts use citric acid as a natural regulator of acidity, which is added almost at the end of cooking.
The most important thing is to achieve transparency of raspberry syrup. First of all, juice is extracted from fresh raspberry berries in any convenient way, which is mixed with sugar and boiled to the required consistency. In the process, the resulting foam is necessarily removed, and the finished still hot raspberry syrup is filtered 2-3 times through several layers of gauze.
Probably, someone will say: why such difficulties and time, because it is not a problem to buy raspberry syrup (like many other varieties of this sweet concentrate) today. But, you must admit, factory-made raspberry syrup contains not only two necessary components (raspberry juice and granulated sugar), but also a mass of other food additives.
In particular, many manufacturers are accustomed to using color stabilizers and food dyes for a more attractive appearance of raspberry juice. In addition, the addition of preservatives for longer shelf life as well as flavor enhancers is not excluded. All these substances are hardly beneficial for human health, although they add the necessary commercial appearance to the ready-made raspberry syrup. And this plays an important role for the consumer.
240 kCal raspberry syrup
Energy value of raspberry syrup (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 55g (~ 220kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 92%