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Onion subiz sauce

Onion subiz sauce...

French cuisine is famous for its sophistication and exquisite manners. In France, they always knew how to cook deliciously, and most importantly, effectively serve the dish to the table. French cuisine earned world popularity and universal recognition to a greater extent due to its diverse sauces. The first sauces began to be made in ancient times. However, the art of making sauces reached its dawn in the Middle Ages.

The surprising thing is that the recipe for the first sauce was not invented at all in order to improve the final dish. In those distant times, there were no refrigerators and freezers, so the products were often spoiled to hide the unpleasant taste or fetid smell of spoiled ingredients. Medieval chefs invented sauces, dressings and marinades that helped give the dish a hid and noble taste, as well as aroma.

Thanks to the cunning of chefs, which, by the way, cost not a single person food poisoning, world cooking was replenished with a galaxy of famous French sauces. The preparation of any sauce, and even more so from French cuisine, requires special care and attention. There is a clear separation of sauces in classic French cuisine. For example, there are basic sauces on the basis of which new derivative products are made. French onion sauce subiz was named after its inventor, Duchess Subiz.

This sauce is on the list of, so-called, royal sauces and is made on a dairy or creamy base of beschamel sauce. However, for subiz sauce, a large amount of bulb onions is used, as well as butter. In order to prepare the onion sauce subiz, the following ingredients will be needed: milk or cream of medium fat content, onions, wheat flour, butter, bay leaf, salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

During the warm season, finely chopped green onion feathers or cucumber may be added to the onion subiz sauce. Then the taste of the classic French sauce will sparkle with new colors. According to the classic onion sauce recipe, the onions are finely chopped, bay leaf is added and poured with milk. Then the milk-onion mixture must be brought to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and let the ingredients of the subiz sauce cool and infuse for no more than 15 minutes.

At this time, we prepare the base of the beschamel sauce, for this we fry wheat flour in butter until caramel color. Combine all the ingredients in one container and bring the onion sauce subiz again to a boil without ceasing to stir constantly. Foodies believe that onion subiz sauce is ideal with young veal or fish dishes.

onion sauce subiz 75 kCal

Energy value of onion subiz sauce (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 6.1 g (~ 55 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.8 g (~ 19 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 7% | 73% | 26%