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Onion husks

Onion husks...

Onions are used not only in cooking - preparations made on its basis have been used for medicinal purposes for more than 60 centuries. But the healing properties of onion husks, a person discovered for himself relatively recently.

It is clear that onion husks are used, as a rule, for coloring Easter eggs, preparing a number of dishes (due to the ability to act as a natural dye), for rinsing hair. In addition, onion husk is highly appreciated as a fertilizer or an effective means of controlling pests of garden and garden plants.

However, over the past decades, there has been a significant increase in interest in onion husk as an effective drug that helps both prevent a number of diseases and permanently relieve numerous ailments.

In fact, the technology for preparing preparations from onion husks is quite simple and does not need special skills and special devices. Infusions, alcohol tinctures, decoctions, extracts, oils and ointments are made from onion husks. By the way, the last two drugs are used exclusively for external use.

Onion husk composition

The rich composition of onion husks includes a mass of various biologically active substances. From vitamins, for example, in this plant raw materials found such as E, C, groups B, PP. In addition, such useful elements as carotene, quercetin, phytoncides, as well as mineral salts of iron, potassium, and calcium are also present in the composition of onion husks.

The benefits of onion husks

It is due to such a complex composition that the benefits of onion husks for human health are obvious. In particular, being a strong antioxidant, vitamin E in the onion husk helps slow down the aging process, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, additionally acting as a prevention of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Ascorbic acid and phytoncides are known to be necessary to maintain immunity, prevent avitaminoses, viral and colds, and healthy gums and teeth, vascular tissues, cartilage and bones.

Due to the presence of vitamin PP and carotene, the benefit of onion husks is to maintain the normal operation of the digestive system, improve the metabolism of carbohydrates, eliminate gastrointestinal disorders, and normalize the activity of the cerebral cortex.

However, the biologically active compound, which belongs to the vitamin P group and is also included in the onion husk - quercetin, deserves special attention. This substance has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory, bactericidal and anti-allergic actions, promotes the acceleration of the wound healing process, improves the elasticity and elasticity of blood vessels, thereby preventing strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, recent scientific studies have shown that quercetin can stop the development of leukemia and reduce the growth of cancers of the breast and prostate glands, lung, large intestine and even brain.

Harm to onion husks

It is gratifying that such a simple and at the same time valuable product in all respects has no contraindications for use at all. In addition, the harm to onion husks is almost unrealistic, because the upper dry layers of the root vegetable are essentially not consumed inside, but are used only partially.

onion husks 0 kCal

Energy value of onion husks (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)