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Canned ginger

Canned ginger...

For Japanese cuisine, which is gaining more and more popularity every day among our population, it is traditional to use ginger - in particular, canned pickled. Canned ginger is served as an integral accompaniment to sushi, and is also eaten as an independent meal.

Canned ginger is distinguished by its own, incomparable taste. In addition, it is often used to cleanse the sky - this is necessary in order to free the taste buds from the aftertaste of the eaten dish before eating the next.

What is the benefit of canned ginger, which is treated so favorably by the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun? In fact, it is not without reason in Japan that it is customary to regularly eat this product: the root of ginger is characterized by an effective disinfecting effect. In fact, sushi is a raw or semi-raw fish (seafood), in which pathogenic bacteria are able to begin active reproduction. It is thanks to the use of canned ginger that the likelihood of infection is minimized.

By the way, today it is quite easy to buy ginger in almost any form: fresh or dried root, in the form of powder and, undoubtedly, canned (pickled). It is sold both in cans of various capacities, vacuum packaging, and for weight. Many fans of Japanese cuisine, having tasted canned ginger of industrial production, try to experiment in their kitchen. And indeed, canning ginger is a quick and easy way to get a healthy and delicious addition to your favorite dish.

The benefits of canned ginger

The benefits of canned ginger, as well as fresh root, are evidenced by its beneficial effect on the human respiratory system, and therefore this product is often recommended for use in asthma and chronic bronchitis. In addition, it has been well established as an effective prophylactic against respiratory infections, particularly influenza and colds.

The benefits of canned ginger also lie in the fact that it enhances sexual energy and renews the sexual attraction that fades over time, which is well known to the Japanese. For lovers of diets and other quick weight loss options, it will probably be useful to know that this searing seasoning represents an excellent dietary food. Eating canned ginger, not only will you not get extra centimeters, but you can also get rid of unwanted kilograms.

The harms of canned ginger

Unfortunately, no matter how obvious the benefits of canned ginger are, there are often cases when the use of this product is contraindicated. So, the possible harm of canned ginger can affect not only in the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, but also during pregnancy and lactation.

tinned ginger 51 kCal

Energy value of canned ginger (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0.3 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.5g (~ 50kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 2% | 5% | 98%