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Vegetarian sausage

Vegetarian sausage...

For those who have completely or at least partially abandoned the use of animal products, that is, the so-called vegetarians or vegans, the modern food industry provides a wide range of all kinds of products. These include vegetarian sausage.

Surely lovers of meat products have not even heard of vegetarian sausage, since it is believed that this kind of product is made exclusively from animal meat. In fact, vegetarian sausage may include vegetable raw materials - beans, peas, pearl barley and much more. As for the characteristic color of the finished product, it is achieved by adding food dyes, both natural and artificial.

Vegetarians not only purchase ready-made sausages, but also prepare vegetarian sausage at home - fortunately, today you can find a lot of different recipes. The main advantage of vegetarian sausage is due not only to its rather good taste, but also to the obvious health benefits.

Vegetarian sausage can be consumed as a standalone product, or it can be used as an ingredient in making sandwiches and canapes. The main benefit of high-quality vegetarian sausage is the lack of preservatives, synthetic dyes and similar harmful additives. In addition, vegetarian sausage includes low-calorie products, which means it is good for people who monitor their weight.

For example, the most common type of vegetarian sausage today is considered a wheat product, which is nutritious and versatile in use. It is suitable for all groups of the population: not only vegetarians, but also adults, fasts, children, diabetics, athletes, the elderly, as well as those who are engaged in physical and active mental activity.

Vegetarian sausage composition

The basis of the vegetarian sausage composition is natural freshly washed wheat protein. When making it, only the composition of spicy-aromatic complex additives of natural spices can change. Animal supplements are completely excluded. The calorie content of vegetarian sausage is on average 207 kcal per hundred grams of product.

For example, the composition of vegetarian sausage classic is as follows: wheat protein, water, soybean goulash, culinary salt, a mixture of spices and spices, corn starch, refined coconut oil, mustard, pea protein, natural dyes of plant origin.

In addition, the vegetarian sausage Doktorskaya is quite popular, in which, in addition to some of the main above components, you can find Adyghe cheese, the complex additive Doktorskaya GOST, the aroma Natural smoke, a natural thickener from seaweed, wheat fiber, as well as a natural dye Red rice.

vegetarian sausage 207 kCal

The energy value of sausage is vegetarian (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 21.7 g (~ 87 kCal)
Fats: 12.3 g (~ 111 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.8 g (~ 7 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 42% | 53% | 3%