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Instant coffee

Instant coffee...

Instant coffee is a powder-dried aqueous extract that is obtained from natural roasted coffee. This product has a pleasant, but less pronounced than natural ground coffee, taste and aroma. Soluble coffee has an increased tonic property and the ability to completely dissolve in water. In cooking, it is used not only for the preparation of a strong drink, but also as an additive in the manufacture of some confectionery products.

The process of making instant coffee is quite interesting. To begin with, coffee beans are fried, crushed and treated with hot water. The resulting concentrated beverage is then treated by 3 methods. It can be dried by turning it into a powder (powdered coffee). Freeze, and then dry again, but in a vacuum, in the end we will talk about freeze coffee. And to obtain a granular product, the liquid concentrate after drying is once again humidified.

Like each product, instant coffee has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first includes the cooking speed along with a long shelf life. Speaking of disadvantages, many have in mind the aroma, which is significantly weaker than natural. By the way, regarding the calorie content of soluble coffee, we can say that in a natural ground product it is almost 2 times higher.

The benefits of instant coffee

The benefits of instant coffee are quite controversial, but if used correctly, you can really talk about its positive qualities. For example, they claim that this product prolongs life if you drink no more than five cups a day. How believable this is - time will tell. This drink also has antioxidant and vasodilating properties.

In addition, after numerous studies, scientists came to the conclusion that the benefits of instant coffee for thought activity are obvious, as it increases cleverness. People who drink about two cups of coffee a day are known to cope faster with puzzles and tests.

Harm of instant coffee

If you abuse this strong drink, there may be a question about the dangers of instant coffee for humans. For example, the caffeine found in this product contributes to memory impairment in large quantities. In addition, you should not abuse this drink for representatives of the beautiful half, due to the possible deterioration or appearance of unpleasant diseases, for example, such as endometriosis.

instant coffee 118.7 kCal

Energy value of soluble coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15 g (~ 60 kCal)
Fats: 3.6 g (~ 32 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7g (~ 28kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 51% | 27% | 24%