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Coffee arabica

Coffee arabica...

Arabian or Arabica coffee is considered the most popular and sought-after coffee variety on the entire planet Earth. Arabian coffee tree or Cofféa arábica from the Marena family belongs to the species Coffee. Coffee arabica is grown in almost all tropical climatic zones. Over 50% of the world's coffee plantations are Arabica. This type of coffee has earned universal recognition and love is no coincidence at all.

Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of Arabica coffee, or rather the Kefa or Kaffa region, where wild thickets of coffee trees have survived at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. Coffee trees of Arabian coffee are cultivated in Latin America, India, Brazil and Indonesia. Arabica coffee differs from other few types of coffee in its special exacting and whimsical nature. This feature of arabica coffee is both a plus and minus of the product. Special treatment of coffee trees during cultivation gives excellent results.

The final product of Arabica coffee acquires its distinctive taste and pronounced coffee aroma only due to the special conditions of cultivation and constant control by professionals. In appearance, the Arabica coffee tree is not particularly different from other plants belonging to the genus Coffee. Evergreen shrub or low tree, which rarely exceeds 5 meters in height. Arabica coffee beans differ in their rounded but more elongated shape compared to robusta coffee.

Composition of Arabica

It is also worth noting that arabica coffee is used not only for the manufacture of an adored coffee drink. Arabica grains are used in pharmacological production. Coffee arabica is the main alkaloid. Caffeine contained in arabica is used in the production of medicines that help with headaches, nervous breakdowns and overwork.

In addition to caffeine, arabica includes fats, sugar, natural proteins, tannic acids, as well as vitamins of group B, E, PP. In addition, Arabica coffee is enriched with calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and sodium. Arabica coffee is considered a bestseller in the world of coffee lovers and connoisseurs. Loyal fans for several centuries to a number of selected and brought new and improved types of arabica, which differed from each other in the blend of aroma and taste of the final product.

Types of arabica

There are perhaps only a few major varieties of arabica coffee. Other types of arabica coffee are considered hybrids derived from Bourbon coffee or Coffea arabica var. burbon, as well as coffee Typica coffea arabica var. Typica and mocha coffee or Mocha. In addition, arabica coffee varieties differ in the territory of growth. For example, Brazilian or African Arabica.

Arabica coffee 331 kCal

Energy value of coffee arabica (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 13.9 (~ 56 kCal)
Fats: 14.4 g (~ 130 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 29.5 g (~ 118 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 17% | 39% | 36%