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It is difficult to find another product that would cause so much controversy as a drink from roasted beans of coffee tree - coffee. With enviable regularity, the media tell us about the results of numerous studies that prove the harm or beneficial properties of coffee. Let's get acquainted with this product and find out for ourselves whether it is worth using.

Coffee composition

First of all, consider the composition of coffee, which is quite complex, since during the roasting of beans many chemical compounds are formed. Interestingly, roasted coffee contains more than a thousand different compounds, eight hundred of which are directly responsible for the taste of the finished drink.

Thus, coffee includes caffeine, proteins, alkaloids, mono- and disachara, phenolic compounds, lipids, amino acids, organic acids, mineral elements and many other substances. The calorie content of coffee is 331 kcal per 100 grams of beans.

Coffee varieties

Regarding coffee varieties, it is known that currently only three main types of coffee tree are cultivated on Earth. Firstly, this is Arabica, which is the leader in many indicators, for example, in the share of sales and production of coffee beans in the world market, and also in the number of varieties.

The second variety, which was discovered sometime in the mid-18th century, is called robusta. The leading position in the production of this culture belongs to Africa.

The third and, one might say, the last variety of coffee, which will be distinguished by great whimsy, rather low yields and lack of demand - liberica.

Types of coffee

Today, several types of coffee stand out, which regularly go on sale and are in constant demand. So, coffee in beans can be purchased both roasted and dried. In addition, instant coffee and natural ground coffee are produced from the same coffee beans. And recently, coffee in capsules has become very popular. This type of coffee retains all the richness of the taste and aroma of the raw materials for a long time, and the ease of use of capsule coffee makers allows you to prepare a drink of consistently high quality.

The benefits of coffee

The benefits of coffee lie in its tonic and exciting effect. That is why, drinking a cup of fragrant drink, we get a small dose of caffeine, but we become more vigorous and begin to work more actively.

In addition, coffee is also supported by the fact that this is a good preventive remedy for diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, obesity and many others.

The harms of coffee

In the case of excessive constant consumption of this product, tangible harm to coffee may manifest itself, which leads to a certain dependence. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco - it is on a par with such substances that doctors have recently put coffee. In addition, the negative impact of coffee abuse is manifested in excessive irritability, insomnia, general deterioration of well-being, and sometimes allergies.

coffee 331 kCal

Energy value of coffee (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 13.9 (~ 56 kCal)
Fats: 14.4 g (~ 130 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 29.5 g (~ 118 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 17% | 39% | 36%