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Courgette caviar

Courgette caviar...

Probably not many people think when they once again open a jar of courgette caviar that this is a truly exclusive product of the domestic food industry. Zucchini caviar began to be produced in the 30s of the last century. It was then that Soviet manufacturers came up with a know-how recipe for simple and inexpensive vegetable caviar production, which immediately tasted to consumers and after a while gained well-deserved popularity.

If you look at the composition of courgette caviar, it will immediately become clear that the main plus of the product is in uncomplicated ingredients and a quick manufacturing process. Of course, you don't have to bother and buy courgette caviar in a grocery store. However, store courgette caviar cannot compare either in taste, smell, or quality with homemade preparations and canned vegetables.

In order to make real homemade courgette caviar, you will need only 4 main ingredients - these are courgettes, tomatoes or tomato paste, as well as carrots and onions. Before cooking vegetable caviar, courgettes are pre-boiled, fried or baked in an oven. Then the courgettes are combined with the rest of the ingredients, salt, pepper, fresh herbs and other spices to taste are added, and then preserved.

If you want to buy high-quality courgette caviar and do not end up with food poisoning from a spoiled product, you should remember a number of simple and simple rules. For example, it is better to buy courgette caviar in late summer or early September, then the product is made from fresh vegetables, which affects the taste and beneficial properties of the product. Often, instead of zucchini, zucchini or pumpkin are added to caviar, such a product differs in color from real zucchini caviar, which should have a light brown or orange color.

Benefits of courgette caviar

The benefits of zucchini caviar have long been both for doctors and nutritionists. Nutritionists immediately noticed the new product due to the incredibly low calorie content of zucchini caviar, which is only 91 Kcal, which contain 100 grams of vegetable caviar. With such a low calorie content, courgette caviar contains simply a uniquely high amount of vitamins and minerals in its chemical composition.

As part of zucchini caviar, you can find vitamins of group A, B, C, E, H and PP, and this, by the way, is almost the entire alphabetical vitamin series. In addition to vitamins, courgette caviar contains such minerals and biologically active natural compounds as fluorine, iodine, calcium, sodium, magnesium, as well as organic and fatty acids. All these substances form the exceptional benefits of courgette caviar for human life and health.

courgette caviar 90.8 kCal

Energy value of zucchini caviar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.6 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 6.3 g (~ 57 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.4 g (~ 30 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 7% | 62% | 33%