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Ready-made pizza base

Ready-made pizza base...

In the modern culinary tradition, the interethnic framework is increasingly no longer playing an important role. For a long time, some dishes have passed from the category of national for one country to the category of global, popular and recognized masterpieces of culinary art. Perhaps it is pizza that can be considered a vivid example of this state of affairs. The Italian national dish, which is a dough rolled out with a thin layer with a variety of fillings, has long crossed the boundaries of its native territories with leaps and bounds. Nowadays, the vast majority of hostesses around the world know how to cook pizza.

Historians claim that the first pizza appeared on the territory of Ancient Rome. Notably, those ancient pizzas were considered food for the poor. Indeed, for the manufacture of the dish, dough substituted on water or pieces of fresh bread was used, on which the necessary fillings are laid out. Interestingly, the prototype of modern pizza appeared in Italy only by 1522, when tomatoes were brought to Europe. By the end of the XVII and the beginning of the XIX centuries, Italy had a pizzailo specialty in Italian pizzaiolo, i. e. people who professionally make pizza.

Moreover, pizzailo prepared pizza for Italian peasants according to a classic recipe, which provided for only three ingredients of the dish. The first is the base for pizza, which was made from dough. The second ingredients are tomatoes, while the third and most important ingredients are cheese. Moreover, to this day, mozzarella cheese is considered the best cheese for pizza. Pizza has become a national dish thanks to the popular love of the dish. The interesting thing is that even the monarchs of Italy did not disdain the food of the poor and loved pizza very much. Legend has it that the Queen of Italy Margarita of Savry fell so in love with pizza that one of the most popular types of dish was named after her - pizza Margarita.

Any professional will say that in order to make a delicious pizza, you need to take care of the compound ingredients of the dish. However, it often happens that modern hostesses simply do not have enough time to comply with all culinary rituals in the process of making pizza. In this case, semi-finished products and a ready-made pizza base come to the rescue. Of course, the store's ready-made pizza base is no match for freshly made dough. However, the ready-made pizza base has its advantages. First, you can buy a ready-made pizza base in most domestic food stores.

Secondly, the finished pizza base significantly reduces the time spent on cooking the dish. Thirdly, not everyone knows how to make pizza dough at home. For this reason, it will be easier and more economical to purchase a ready-made pizza base in the store. There are several varieties of ready-made pizza bases. For example, a thin, medium or thick pizza base. The ready-made pizza base is the basis for the future of the dish.

In order for your pizza to be tasty, you need to choose the right filling, as well as comply with the recommendations for the timing of the dish. first, the finished pizza base is slightly sprayed with olive oil, and then greased with tomato or other sauce provided by the recipe of the dish, and only then the filling is laid out and baked for some time in the oven.

Finished Pizza Base 330 kCal

Energy value of the finished base for pizza (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 8 g (~ 32 kCal)
Fats: 7 g (~ 63 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 59g (~ 236 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 10% | 19% | 72%