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Crude turpentine

Crude turpentine...

Zhivitsa or otherwise terpentin is a very fragrant sticky resinous substance that is naturally released when the bark of coniferous trees is damaged. When congealed on the surface of the bark, the squirrel forms a reliable protective barrier that protects the wounded tree from the likely penetration of pest bark beetles or pathogenic microorganisms.

The useful properties of zhivitsa are relevant not only for the trees themselves, but also for humans. That is why this natural substance, thanks to its unique composition and extensive range of therapeutic properties, has long been actively used by people for the prevention and treatment of many diseases in alternative medicine around the world.

Species of life

The species of life directly depend on which tree this resinous substance was removed from. So, it is customary to distinguish between pine, spruce, cedar, fir, as well as zhivitsa obtained from larch. All these varieties will be especially distinguished from each other both in terms of biochemical composition and in their therapeutic properties.

Composition of the animal

However, the composition of the life of any of all species necessarily contains volatile substances (monoterpenes), on the basis of which turpentine is produced, as well as diterpenes and sesquiterpenes along with their derivatives. In addition, resin (rubinoleic) acids are present in the animal, including abietinic, dehydroabistinic, dextropimaric, lambertian, levopimaric, palustic, pimaric, sapinic and others. They form rosin when the life is boiled.

In addition, resin colorless alcohols of rubinol, rubinotannol (that is, colored alcohols that reproduce the reactions of tannins), resin esters of rubber, vitamins D and C, succinic acid, fatty acids, as well as some impurities of plant origin were found in the composition of the animal.

The benefits of life

The benefits of life for human health were known to the inhabitants of Ancient Greece, who consumed life as food for various disorders of the digestive processes. In addition, this beneficial substance has often been used to treat diseases of the lungs and kidneys, various injuries, rheumatism and diseases of the skin.

Chinese traditional medicine asserts the unconditional benefit of zhivitsa not only in the treatment of the above diseases, but also as an effective herbal remedy that helps to get rid of dental and headaches.

Harm to the life

However, it must be said that this valuable resin also has a number of contraindications for use. In particular, the harm of the belly can make itself felt, first of all, with individual intolerance to the product, causing allergic reactions. In addition, the animal itself, as well as medical and preventive products based on it, is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and children under the age of twelve.

vitals 0 kCal

Energy value of the animal (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)