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Salmon fat

Salmon fat...

Salmon fat refers to subspecies of fish oil, the benefits of which are probably known to all residents of planet Earth without exception. Throughout the thousand-year history of the development and existence of human civilization, the basis of the diet of people was meat, fish, as well as vegetables, dairy and bakery products. Over time, people have learned to use not only fish meat, but also fat for their good.

Fish oil refers to animal fats, which are compounds containing a large amount of natural fats. Animal fats are obtained from fatty and also bone tissues, usually pets, as well as birds, fish and even reptiles. Salmon fat or cod fat is found in the liver and subcutaneous tissues of fish. Often fish oil is extracted from cod species of fish.

In addition, the product is extracted from herring, mackerel and other so-called fatty fish species. Salmon fat, which is obtained from the processing of predatory fish, which lives in the waters of the Atlantic as well as the Pacific oceans, is especially valuable. There are several main species or varieties of salmon fat that are used for medical, technical and food purposes.

It is worth noting that salmon fat is an incredibly healthy animal product that occupies an important place in modern medicine, both official and folk. Salmon fat is used in pharmacological production, and is also consumed orally as a therapeutic and preventive agent.

The chemical composition of salmon fat contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids, among which Omega-6 and Omega-3 are essential for the human body. Salmon live in the cold waters of the Arctic, so the chemical composition of the fish contains a large amount of fat, which works as a protective mechanism at low temperatures.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a general beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, Omega-3 and 6 are used in the prevention and treatment of a disease such as atherosclerosis. The acids contained in salmon fat reduce the level of triglycirins in the blood, and also contribute to the prevention of blood clots. Eating salmon fat regularly helps improve thyroid function as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Salmon fat contains a large amount of vitamin A, which has an effect on metabolic processes. However, do not forget that like any other type of fish oil, the product obtained from salmon contains a significant amount of cholesterol. In order for salmon fat to bring only exceptional benefits to the human body, it is necessary to strictly comply with medical prescriptions and recommended doses of product consumption.

salmon fat 902 kCal

Energy value of salmon fat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%