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Chicken fat

Chicken fat...

Chicken fat is considered an excellent food product due to the fact that it is well absorbed by the human body, while it is able to melt at sufficiently low temperatures - only 35-37 ° C. Chicken fat has a rather pleasant smell and taste, so it is often used in the preparation of numerous dishes and snacks, but primarily from poultry meat. The calorie content of chicken fat is about 900 kcal per 100 grams.

As you know, at catering enterprises, excessive chicken fat is removed and heated from fatty poultry entering the heat treatment. Subsequently, this fat is separately taken into account and carefully used according to its culinary purpose.

Due to the distinctive properties of chicken fat (the absence of a specific smell and taste, as well as the low melting point), this product can perfectly replace vegetable or butter when baked. By the way, for these purposes there are even special roasters and roasters for poultry, which have a baking sheet for simultaneous baking of root crops and vegetables.

Benefits of chicken fat

As you know, chicken fat can hardly be called an ideal dietary product. However, the benefits of chicken fat are relevant for the heart, as it contributes to improving the condition of the walls of the vessels and the heart muscle. In addition, it has been proven that eating chicken fat does not provoke an increase in blood pressure (as was believed some time ago).

Interestingly, the benefits of chicken fat are explained by experts in that it contains a specific chicken protein peptide along with special extractive substances. It is these compounds in the composition of chicken fat that force the "lazy" stomach to work.

Despite the fact that chicken fat contains a considerable amount of saturated fats, fatty unsaturated acids are of great value to human health. They are needed for normal skin condition, cell growth, cholesterol metabolism, as well as many other processes that are performed in the human body.

Children of an early age, especially those who are fed artificially, are most sensitive to the lack of fatty unsaturated acids. Deficiency of these valuable substances in the child's diet can cause slowing growth, eczematous skin changes and a decrease in the resistance of the small body to infections.

The benefits of chicken fat are confirmed by many scientific studies, nevertheless, it is necessary to adhere to the measure in everything. Diversity is very important in nutrition, since completely ideal foods, one might say, do not exist.

chicken fat 900 kCal

Energy value of chicken fat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.8 g (~ 898 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%