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Goose fat

Goose fat...

For thousands of years, people have used various types of animal fat as traditional medicine. Many people inhabiting planet Earth know about the unique properties of goose fat. It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of goose fat from time immemorial were used not only in Europe, but also in Asia, as well as in the East.

In essence, goose fat refers to animals, i. e. natural fats, which are extracted from the connective tissues of vertebrate animals. Goose fat is obtained from connective tissues of waterfowl such as geese. Most animal fat is concentrated in the subcutaneous layers. Animal fats, including goose fat, are widely used in cooking.

In addition, goose fat is used in the production of certain types of drugs. It is worth noting that the benefits of goose fat are recognized equally appreciated in both folk and official medicine. It is noteworthy that people have learned to use the benefits of goose fat for their benefit in ancient times.

Historians claim that the first bird that people domesticated was a goose. In the history of ancient civilizations, geese played an important role. For example, according to legend, the geese saved the Romans about the invasion of the Gauls. The geese were depicted on their great pyramids by the Egyptians. In Asia, goose fat was legendary, according to which the product was endowed with great power to raise even the most hopeless patients on their feet.

Benefits of crow's fat

Each legend always has a true share, so we can safely say that the benefits of goose fat have been tested for millennia. The unique vitamin-mineral composition of crow's fat helps strengthen the immune system of the human body. In addition, regular consumption of crow's fat contributes to the stabilization of digestive and also metabolic processes.

Goose fat is especially useful for people who suffer from asthenia, atherosclerosis, as well as increased fatigue. Experts advise using goose fat as a preventive agent during the season of colds, also in spring vitamin deficiency. Goose fat has a number of characteristic features that secrete the product from all types of animal fats.

Firstly, goose fat is able to tolerate sufficiently high temperatures and not lose even a small part of its beneficial qualities. Secondly, goose fat refers to monounsaturated animal fats. This means that when the product is eaten, crow's fat does not negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular system of the human body.

A special place, goose fat occupies in the cosmetic industry. Not many people know that goose fat can be compared in its effectiveness to expensive and high-quality synthetic face and body creams. Goose fat is part of cosmetics that are designed to combat premature skin aging. In pharmacology, goose fat is often used to produce therapeutic ointments that help with severe burns. as well as some diseases of the skin.

goose fat 900 kCal

Energy value of crow's fat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.8 g (~ 898 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%