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Many cooks who like to make sweet preparations for the winter or cook desserts, it is well known how difficult it is to buy a natural thickener from agar-agar algae in domestic stores. It is much easier to buy inexpensive and affordable gelatin, but it is not suitable for vegetarians, as it is made on the basis of animal raw materials.

In this case, the product is excellent, which has recently gained love and earned the trust of a considerable number of chefs - gelfix. Unlike the very common gelatin, it is made from exclusively plant-based components, making it great for strict vegans, vegetarians or fasting people. And in general, gelfix is a wonderful product for healthy people and those who do not want fruit blanks to have a meat taste (which is quite likely when using gelatin).

Thanks to the use of gelfix, you can easily make jelly marmalade or jelly, jam, see or thick jam. This is facilitated not only by the composition of the gelfix, but also by the clear instruction of sequential actions that is present on packs with thickener.

In particular, manufacturers recommend grinding fruits in puree, adding gelfix mixed with some sugar to them, and then bringing the resulting mass to a boil. Only then is the rest of the sugar added, and in strictly indicated proportions. This is how fruit jam or berry jam can be prepared in just tens of minutes using gelfix and the chilled product can easily set to jelly.

Gelfix composition

The modern range of gelfix is represented by two types of this product: with the markings "1: 1" and "2: 1, " which show the desired ratio of fruit and berry raw materials and sugar. For example, when preparing dense jelly, these proportions are better kept exactly, but in order to thicken jam from the instructions, you can retreat.

It must be said that the composition of the gelfix of both species is identical - only the concentration of components differs. Among the components of this vegetable thickener are powdered sugar, pectin and citric acid. Sometimes sorbic acid may be present, which is a natural preservative that contributes to the safety of products.

gelfix 298.4 kCal

Energy value of gelfix (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 74.6 g (~ 298 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 100%