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Many hostesses often use gelatin to prepare a variety of dishes, but not everyone knows what it is made of, and what benefits and harms are hidden in this product. The word "gelatin" is of Latin origin, meaning "frozen. " But it is obtained from products that contain the substance collagen, that is, cartilage, bones and tendons of cattle during prolonged heat treatment (boiling).

It should be noted that gelatin itself has neither smell nor taste. It is produced in the form of crystals or transparent plates. The weight of gelatin is much more than the weight of water, and therefore, in cool water, it quickly swells, but in warm water it dissolves well. The calorie content of gelatin is 355 kcal per hundred grams.

In cooking, these raw materials are used during the manufacture of meat and fish canned food, filling dishes, jelly, yogurt, candied fruit, wines, creams, mousse, various cakes and other confectionery products. By the way, the gelling substance is an important ingredient in everyone's favorite treat - ice cream; thanks to it, proteins do not fold, and sugar does not crystallize. In order to use the beneficial properties of gelatin, you need to eat foods as often as possible that contain enough of it.

The benefits of gelatin

The benefits of gelatin are obvious, first of all, because it contains a large amount of an amino acid called glycine, which, in turn, is one of the sources of energy for the normal activity of our body. It is known that protein products do not contain enough glycine, so we can no doubt say that gelatin is a rather useful additive to meat dishes.

In the human body, amino acids of proteins such as hydroxyproline and proline also play an important role for connective tissues. Thanks to their properties, dishes using gelatin are recommended by doctors to be used by people with complex types of bone fractures in order for them to grow together faster. Therefore, the benefits of gelatin have been proven for patients suffering from osteochondrosis. In addition to joints and bones, our hair, nails and skin also need gelatin. Special gelatin masks for hair and face have found their application in cosmetology, and gelatin baths are undoubtedly useful for nails.

Gelatin harms

Even despite the numerous advantages, doctors around the world do not recommend abusing the products that include this supplement (especially those people with kidney problems). Like any other product, be it the freshest and most useful, gelatin can cause damage if it is excessive. Therefore, enjoy, but know the measure.

gelatin 355 kCal

Energy value of gelatin (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 87.2 g (~ 349 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 98% | 1% | 1%