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Orange essential oil

Orange essential oil...

Orange is called the fruit of an orange tree. It is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. The fruit was cultivated long before our era (

2. 5 thousand years ago in China). To Europe, the tree was delivered by Portuguese sailors, after which it spread to all kinds of corners at great speed. To breed orange, special glass greenhouses were built that create the most favorable environmental conditions. Today, the orange tree can be found almost throughout the Mediterranean coast, as well as in Central America.

The orange tree fruit has a great taste and a pleasant aroma. It is highly popular around the world. Fresh juices are prepared from oranges, used in cooking, cosmetology and pharmacology. This uses both the flesh itself and the orange peel.

Orange essential oil can be found in many places. It is obtained, as a rule, by cold pressing or hydrodistillation from citrus peel. The best oils on the market are of Spanish and Guinean origin. Products mined in America or Brazil are less valued. After all, there the production of aromatic oil coincides with the production of orange juice. Externally, orange essential oil is a fluid that leaves orange traces when it hits the skin or clothes. The product is usually divided into 2 types - bitter and sweet orange oil.

Options for eating orange essential oil

The use of citrus essential oil in medicine is based on its tonic, soothing, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating, antiseptic and relaxing properties. You can meet it in a variety of medicines. In addition, orange essential oil works well with other products, which allows it to be used, for example, in massage.

Oil is also common in cooking. It is usually added to exotic cocktails. Be sure to try one of them - breakfast with Dali. This can only be done in a serious specialized bar in your city, because the recipe is fraught with various difficulties.

The Benefits and Harms of Orange Essential Oil

The product has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is not surprising that it is used in a wide variety of medicines. An allergic reaction to citrus fruits can be a warning when using it. If it is available/detected, be sure to consult a specialized specialist.

orange essential oil kCal

Energy value of orange essential oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)