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Melon seeds

Melon seeds...

Melon seeds are seeds of the melon culture, which belongs to the Pumpkin family. Melon is rightly considered an unusually tasty and very useful product that is widely used in cooking, as well as for the treatment of a number of diseases. However, not everyone knows the gastronomic and useful properties of melon seeds.

Benefits of melon seeds

First of all, the benefits of melon seeds for human health, according to traditional healers, lie in their ability to clean the intestines, liver and kidneys well. In addition, melon seeds can help cure even a chronic cough, as they thin sputum well, quench thirst and eliminate the feeling of dry mouth.

So, with a strong and intrusive cough, it is recommended to prepare melon milk, for which the dried seeds must be crushed into powder, diluted with warm water and ground. After straining and adding sugar to taste, such a drink is consumed before eating for half an hour. By the way, the same remedy effectively helps to reduce blood sugar levels, as well as in the fight against cholecystitis.

It is worth saying about the benefits of melon seeds for men - this product has long been ranked among the strongest aphrodisiacs who are able to increase male potency and normalize the work of the prostate gland. That is why the regular use of melon seeds, however, in a strictly controlled amount, will have an extremely favorable effect on male health.

The useful properties of melon seeds are also relevant in cosmetology, where they have long been recognized as an excellent cosmetic, especially effective for skin rejuvenation. For this purpose, a decoction of crushed melon seeds and steep boiling water is used. The resulting mixture is simmered for several minutes, and after cooling, the liquid is filtered and regularly used as lapping.

Nevertheless, despite the obvious benefit of melon seeds, this plant product has its own contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to consume melon seeds simultaneously with alcohol and honey, as this can provoke disorders of the digestive tract.

In addition, there is a certain list of diseases in which the use of melon seeds is also highly undesirable. Among them are stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal problems, especially those accompanied by increased secretion of gastric juice. In addition, it must be said that it is not recommended to use the seeds of this aromatic plant on an empty stomach, eat undersung seeds or simply in large quantities - so you will avoid the likelihood of problems with the spleen.

melon seeds 555 kCal

Energy value of melon seeds (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.6 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 47.3 g (~ 426 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 14.6 g (~ 58 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 13% | 77% | 11%