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Pressed yeast

Pressed yeast...

Pressed yeast is, oddly enough, a living product, which is a large lump of living microorganisms. The culinary history of yeast dates back not one hundred years, but entire millennia. About 8, 000 years ago, the first mention of this product appeared in ancient Egypt with a detailed description of the beneficial properties of compressed yeast.

In total, there are more than one and a half thousand varieties of these unicellular fungi in the world, but for food purposes we are accustomed to using only four: bakery, beer, wine and milk yeast. The former are actively used in baking lush fragrant bread and bakery products. Live beer contains beer yeast. But wine yeast can be found naturally in the form of plaque on clusters of grapes. All fermented milk products prepared on natural sourdough, along with lactobacteria, contain dairy yeast.

Pressed bakery yeast (or fresh) goes on sale in the form of briquettes of different weights (from 50 grams to one kilogram). The main drawback of this particular species can be called the short shelf life (at room temperature - no more than 24 hours, and in the refrigerator - two weeks). Therefore, when buying, be careful and always look at the release date. By the way, you can determine their freshness by appearance: fresh yeast is pinkish-cream in color, they crumble, but do not smear. The calorie content of compressed yeast is 109 kcal per 100 grams of product in fresh form.

Benefits of compressed yeast

The benefits of pressed yeast are beyond doubt, because it is simply the richest source of biologically active macro and trace elements, many vitamins that not every vegetable or fruit can "boast of. "

Traditional medicine claims the benefit of pressed yeast as a wonderful means of lowering cholesterol levels (in combination with lecithin), relieving pain in neuritis, burning in the intestines, spasms, colitis and enterocolitis.

Yeast is also perfect for external use: nutritious masks, which include these living microorganisms, are able to make your hair lush and healthy.

Damage to compressed yeast

It's a shame, but this wonderful product has contraindications. For example, women, before starting to eat compressed yeast, should definitely consult a gynecologist, since their uncontrolled use can be the result of the occurrence of thrush. The harm of compressed yeast can also manifest itself in kidney diseases, gout, dysbiosis and endocrine disorders. Naturally, with individual intolerance to the product, you should also refrain from eating it.

compressed yeast 109 kCal

Energy value of compressed yeast (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 12.7 g (~ 51 kCal)
Fats: 2.7 g (~ 24 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.5 g (~ 34 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 47% | 22% | 31%