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Karkade tea

Karkade tea...

This healthy drink is richly red with a pleasant aroma and is made from dried hibiscus inflorescences, the birthplace of which is India. Approximately 150 species of this plant of the Malvaceae family are currently known, among which perennial flowers are also found along with annual ones. Hibiscus is a very popular plant that is grown for a wide variety of purposes - ornamental, medical and culinary.

Today, karkade tea, which is characterized by a savory acid and a pleasant taste, is available to everyone and is available for sale in any store. Due to the high content of natural antioxidants and other beneficial properties of tea, karkade regular consumption of this drink contributes to rejuvenation of body cells, preservation of health and natural beauty.

Composition of karkade tea

The rich dark red color characteristic of hibiscus flowers is formed due to the content of special substances in the framework of tea, which are called anthocyanins, characterized by P-vitamin activity. They strengthen the walls of vessels well and regulate their permeability. Because of this feature, the framework is often advised to drink people who have various problems with blood vessels.

In addition, there is a scaffold in tea and a significant amount of vitamin C or citric acid, which favorably affects the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, it is useful to consume karkade tea for preventive purposes for colds and infectious diseases.

The Benefits of Karkade Tea

It has been proven that many of the substances found in this healing and very tasty drink confirm the benefits of karkade tea as a good antispasmodic as well as a diuretic. In addition, it also contributes to a decrease in temperature in some diseases, so the framework is often used as an antipyretic. Vitamins and amino acids in the composition of this tea help combat feelings of chronic fatigue and relieve stress, as well as significantly improve brain metabolism.

When brewing an aromatic drink, take your time to discard the flowers, as they are perfectly suitable for consumption. Due to the high content of pectin, the benefits of karkade tea, in particular hibiscus flowers, are manifested in the ability to remove various slags and toxins, as well as salts of heavy metals from the body.

Harms tea karkade

Due to the fact that when drinking tea, the scaffold increases the acidity of gastric juice, it is not advised to drink it for people with peptic ulcer and gastritis with increased acidity. It is not desirable to consume this fragrant drink in case of exacerbation of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. In addition, keep in mind that the likely harm of tea scaffold can manifest itself in allergic reactions with personal intolerance to this product.

tea kartade 309 kKal

Energy value of tea karkade (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 81.5g (~ 326kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 106%