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Today, botvinya, which is a type of summer soup, is less popular compared to okroshka, but it was once very common among a wide variety of segments of the population - from peasants to representatives of the high classes. The preparation of botvinya, although it takes a little longer than cooking okroshka, but if you still decide to make it, then there will clearly be no disappointment - this is a very tasty, original and refreshing dish.

Interestingly, in the nineteenth century, the botvinya in our country was very popular - it was present on the table of absolutely everyone from the poor to the aristocrats. It is noteworthy that this summer soup was simply adored by such famous people as Alexander I, I. Krylov, and A. S. Pushkin.

The main ingredients of the classic Russian botvinya were and remain kvass, tops and root crops of young beets, sorrel, nettle, green onions, almost any garden greens, red fish and ice. In general, the classic version of making botvigna provides for serving a dish of 3 parts: directly vegetable soup, red fish in boiled form, as well as finely chopped ice, which is also served separately. In other words, traditionally, it was customary to serve a botvin to one person in 3 plates at once, into which one of the 3 parts of the soup was superimposed.

Today, there are more simplified options for making botvinya, of which there are many - primarily without the use of fish and ice. True, if you decide to make this summer soup according to the traditional recipe, you can be sure that you will fully appreciate the beauty of the amazing botvinya.

By the way, botvinyu can be served not only as the first dish, but also as a liquid snack before the second meal. It is recommended to eat fish with a fork, in plates with vegetable soup and put on a spoon, while ice is put in vegetable soup periodically.

When it comes to the classic version of making botvigna, there are a number of nuances that greatly affect the final taste of the dish. For example, lemon juice and grated horseradish must be added to the kvass for botvinya, thanks to which the dish will acquire the necessary sharpness and aroma.

In addition, the kvass for botvinya is selected in such a way that it complements the fresh or brackish taste of the fish well, without interrupting it. Thus, kvass is most suitable not too sour, but also not excessively sweet. As a basis for botvinya, it is best to opt for dark bread kvass, which should be mixed with one-third or less white crust kvass.

bottoms 51.4 kCal

Energy value of botvinya (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.1 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 6.9 g (~ 62 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.3 g (~ 5 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 16% | 121% | 10%