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Tonka beans

Tonka beans...

Dipteryx fragrant or Dipteryx odorata is a tree that is classified in the Bean family and is native to South America, as well as Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Brazil. People actively use tonka beans or seeds of the dipteryx fragrant plant. In addition to tonka beans, the wood of the plant, which is called kumaru, is used.

It is worth noting that the wood of the diptrex fragrant plant stands out for its unusual and fibrous pattern. In its appearance, as well as its biological structure, tonka beans are seeds of a tropical plant that are concentrated inside the fruits of fragrant diptrex. As a rule, there is one seed inside the fruit of the plant. Usually tonka beans do not exceed 4 cm in length, and 1 cm in width.

Tonka beans are distinguished by their black color, as well as an oblong or elongated shape. Tonka beans have a characteristic aroma that resembles vanilla, cloves, as well as cinnamon or almonds. Often tonka beans are called nothing more than kumarun, sarrapia, and tangua. It is noteworthy that tonka beans are often used in the process of making men's perfume.

It is believed that the aroma of tonka beans can become an effective aphrodisiac. Often tonka beans are used as a flavoring agent for various types of tobacco. Among the nationalities of South America, there is a belief that tonka beans have magical and miraculous properties that bring good luck. For this reason, thin beans are often used to make amulets.

However, among other things, tonka beans have found widespread use in cooking. Due to its distinctive taste and consumer characteristics, tonka beans are used as a more budget substitute for vanilla. The thing is that the beans are thin, as well as vanilla, contain in their chemical composition a lot of such a natural and biologically active substance as coumarin.

Often tonka beans are called nothing more than "Mexican vanilla. " Beans are typically used thinly in the preparation of desserts and various confectionery powders and finished mixtures. Most often, tonka beans are used in the preparation of confectionery and bakery products, which include coconut or poppy.

In the composition of muffins or pies, you can find tonka beans, which give the finished culinary product a subtle aroma and a characteristic vanilla taste. For culinary purposes, tonka beans are boiled so that the seeds give their aroma and taste to water or milk. The interesting thing is that tonka beans can be brewed several times in a row.

Tonka beans are added not only to sweets and pastries, but also to alcoholic beverages, usually in rum. In addition to cooking, tonka beans are used in medicine. Due to its distinctive characteristics and chemical composition, tonka beans can serve as a stimulant of the cardiac activity of the human body.

57 kCal tonka beans

Energy value of tonka beans (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 6 g (~ 24 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.5 g (~ 34 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 42% | 2% | 60%