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White tea

White tea...

Real white tea refers to quite expensive drinks, since exclusively kidneys and young leaflets that have just made their way out of them are used for its production. Moreover, they are collected from tea bushes of certain varieties, which can only be found in China and in very limited quantities.

In order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma properties of white tea, some conditions for brewing this drink must be observed. So, the ideal dish for this elite tea is, of course, porcelain (it is noteworthy that the greater the glaze density on it, the better).

As for the water that is used to brew white tea, it must be fresh, clean and not brought to a boil (simply heated to a maximum of 85 ° C). Otherwise, it turns into "dead" water. The optimal amount of dry buds and leaves of white tea is considered to be about four grams per 150 milliliters of water.

Types of white tea

Among the most valuable varieties or species of white tea is Bai Hao Yin Zhen, which ideally consists exclusively of tea bush buds. Its name in translation into Russian can be voiced as white-haired silver needles. In second place is Bai Mu Dan or white peony. In it, the kidneys of the tea bush are mixed with the youngest leaves.

It is clear that not everyone can afford to enjoy such an expensive elite drink every day. But, fortunately, there are also some types of white tea, which, although they are slightly lower in class, still belong to the noble. They are also able to charm with their pleasant aroma and surprisingly soft taste. They get such tea by collecting damaged kidneys and leaves, which are considered marriage. In this case, these are white tea varieties such as Gunn Mei and Gun Mei.

White Tea Composition

White tea contains not only vitamins of group B, A, PP and C, but also some micro- and macronutrients. In addition, amino acids, nicotinic acid, as well as a relatively small amount of caffeine are contained in this elite tea.

The benefits of white tea

It has been proven that the Chinese do not in vain call white tea the elixir of immortality, since the substances in its composition, collected together, are really able to significantly prolong youth, maintain health and strengthen the human spirit.

The benefit of white tea lies in some therapeutic properties: to increase immunity, optimize the work of the heart, remove toxins and slags from the body, and help in the fight against excess kilograms. In addition, recent experiments confirm the benefit of white tea, which acts as a fairly effective drug that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

The harms of white tea

Interestingly, there is no such thing as the harm of white tea at all, since this drink has absolutely no contraindications, and therefore all people can enjoy it without exception.

white tea 140.9 kCal

Energy value of white tea (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 20 g (~ 80 kCal)
Fats: 5.1 g (~ 46 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 57% | 33% | 11%