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Lipstick tree or annato in scientific circles was called Bíxa orellána. This shrub is small in size, the homeland of the annato is considered the American continent. The annato plant is currently cultivated in the Southeast Asian region. It is worth noting that the annato plant was brought to Asia by the Spanish colonizers.

Annato has been in stable demand for centuries due to the plant's distinctive properties. Annato seeds are considered an excellent natural dye that is widely used in the food industry. The annato seeds contain a red pigment, which is isolated by extraction. As a rule, annato seed food dye is produced as a powder or paste.

The plant of bixa orella or annato received its original scientific name thanks to the Portuguese word bixa, as well as the researcher and Spanish conquistador Francisco de Orellana, who became the discoverer of the Amazon for the European scientific community. The brave Spanish traveler was able to be the first to swim the entire length of the Amazon, as well as discover many new species of representatives of both the flora and fauna of the region.

It is worth noting that in the homeland of plants in Mexico, the annato is called achiote, and in Paraguay or Argentina - urucu or onoto. In its appearance, the annato is a small tree or shrub with large in size and glossy leaves.

The annato blooms in pink five petal inflorescences. Interestingly, the annato blooms only one day, then bright red fruits are formed, which in their shape resemble prickly boxes. Inside the annato fruits are seeds that are of value to the food industry. Annato seeds have long been used by culinary experts in Latin America, and in addition to the Philippine islands, to color culinary products from fish, as well as meat.

In addition, annato seeds are used in the production of some varieties of cheese, as well as vegetable oil. In Latin American countries, annato seeds are used as seasoning, which is added during the preparation of various culinary products, as well as national drinks.

Annato seeds are infused in plain drinking water for some time, and then the resulting solution of a characteristic color is used when preparing dishes from rice or legumes. Native Latin Americans have for millennia used annato seeds not only as a food dye, but also as an important element of many rituals.

With the help of a dye obtained from annato seeds, the Indians applied combat or festive coloring. However, the annato plant is used not only as a food dye, but also as a drug. Various components of the annato plant are used in the production of medicines that help cure headaches as well as sunstroke. In addition, annato is used in the treatment of severe forms of burns.

annato 345 kCal

Energy value annato (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15.8 (~ 63 kCal)
Fats: 14.87 (~ 134 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 52.29 g (~ 209 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 18% | 39% | 61%