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Mushroom seasoning

Mushroom seasoning...

How often, when cooking, we use all kinds of seasonings. . . Ready food without these flavors seems to us too fresh, unattractive and sometimes even unappetizing. Chicken, meat, fish and, undoubtedly, mushroom seasoning is so useful when you want to embellish the dish, give it a note of saturation and piquancy.

However, more and more often many of us are beginning to think about whether these additives are really necessary, because the factory seasonings contain not only natural raw materials, but also numerous substances with the letter E, which unscrupulous manufacturers carefully disguise as other, less repellent names.

As for mushroom seasoning, for example, such a flavoring additive contains a large amount of salt, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product. Often, manufacturers write on their packaging that mushroom seasoning is made on the basis of fresh forest mushrooms, which are of excellent quality and are collected in environmentally friendly regions. Whether this is so - it is not possible to check and, moreover, in the production of mushroom seasoning, as a rule, if mushrooms are used, then these are champignons, which, as you know, do not have such a pronounced aroma. That is why flavors identical to natural ones are used, which do not have any benefits for human health.

The composition of high-quality mushroom seasoning must contain natural vegetable components in dried and crushed form. Ideally, these are bulb onions, coriander, basil, garlic, parsley greens, carrots, thyme, cumin, ground black and allspice, bay leaf. These products give the finished dish not only an excellent taste and aroma, but also greatly enrich it with the necessary vitamins and mineral salts.

However, for greater confidence in the naturalness of mushroom seasoning, many culinary experts prepare this additive on their own. In fact, this is not difficult - it is enough to have fresh mushrooms at hand. By the way, the same champignons can also be used, but the smell of forest mushrooms is much stronger and brighter, so the ready-made mushroom seasoning will be much more aromatic.

So, for the preparation of mushroom seasoning, fresh pure mushrooms are strung onto the wire or put in a uniform layer in a dryer and dried until they almost completely lose moisture. High-quality dried mushrooms should not crumble - when pressed, they spring a little and bend. It remains only to grind them into powder using a grinder and the natural mushroom seasoning is ready. If desired, you can add a little salt and other spices, spices or dried vegetables and aromatic herbs to it.

You can add mushroom seasoning to any unsweetened dishes - soups, sauces, pasta, casseroles, pizza, meals from meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and eggs. Mushroom seasoning gives the first and second dishes an exquisite taste and unforgettable aroma of forest mushrooms.

mushroom seasoning 40 kCal

Energy value of mushroom seasoning (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2 g (~ 8 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 45% | 40%