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Vanilla powder

Vanilla powder...

Vanilla is rightly considered one of the most popular spices around the world. Vanilla sticks are usually 10 to 20 centimeters long, while they are characterized by elasticity, a slightly twisted state, softness and oiliness to the touch. It is noteworthy that the best varieties are those covered with a coating of white crystals.

It is worth noting that low-quality vanilla is considered to be the product that is characterized by light color, brittleness and ease when crumbling. In addition, do not purchase open and cracked natural vanilla pods.

The amazingly persistent fragrance of vanilla, if properly stored, can persist for years in its original form. By the way, even the case is known when, after 36 years, vanilla pods retained their natural smell, which also indicates the exceptional quality of this natural product. Poor quality vanilla varieties are characterized by rapid destruction and loss of aroma - they are distinguished by a rather low price.

The popularity of this aromatic spice has contributed to the fact that today a number of products with a characteristic aroma of this spice are produced on the basis of vanilla. For example, vanilla extract, essence, pasta, sugar, as well as vanilla powder, which is used in a wide variety of human life, but mainly in the food industry, is in demand.

Natural vanilla or otherwise vanilla bean powder is vanilla pods that are dried and ground into powder. By the way, the vanilla content in this mass should be at least 1

3. 35 ounces (378, 4661 grams), which fall on every 8 pounds (3 kg 628 grams) of the finished mixture. In other words, one kilogram of the product should contain about 100 grams of vanilla. However, it should be noted that vanilla powder has a more concentrated intense aroma when compared with whole pods.

When mixed with sugar sand in the right proportions, vanilla powder turns into vanilla sugar, which can become a rather interesting product in itself, especially if you choose sugar of different varieties.

However, most often, industrial vanilla powder is a mixture of ground vanilla pods with the addition of the following substances: dextrose, lactose, edible starch (including modified), dry corn syrup, gum gum acacia, as well as preservatives and anti-icing components. As the latter, aluminum-calcium silicate, magnesium calcium silicate silicate along with tricalcium phosphate are used in the finished vanilla powder.

Due to the ability to retain the aroma well even with strong heating, vanilla powder can be used in bakery and confectionery production. True, its incompatibility with other spices and spices is considered a distinctive property of vanilla - perhaps the exception is saffron and cinnamon.

vanilla powder 287 kCal

Energy value of vanilla powder (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.5g (~ 50kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 2% | 0% | 17%