Bay leaf
Almost no good hostess can do without seasoning with a unique taste and aroma - without laurel leaf. Laurel is an evergreen shrub that is native to the subtropical belt: Greece, Turkey, France and other southern European countries, as well as the Caucasus, Crimea and Latin America. Interestingly, the lifespan of this plant is about 400 years.
As a spice, bay leaf is used in different ways: fresh and dried, like powder, and the fruits of this plant are in demand. It is especially often consumed during canning, but in other dishes it is present at least as often. Almost any culinary creation will become fragrant and tastier if you add this spice to it. The calorie content of the bay leaf is 313 kcal per 100 grams.
With this seasoning, you can improve the taste and smell of some dishes - such as jellyfish. In the food industry, this property is widely used to flavour sausage and fish products, cheeses and marinades.
Bay leaves are perfectly combined with other spices and spices: thyme, sage, cloves, rosemary, coriander and many others.
Thanks to the useful properties of laurel leaf, it is used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes: it helps us to restore and maintain health and beauty.
Bay leaf benefits
Firstly, the benefits of laurel leaf are manifested in the form of decoction, since it favorably affects the work of many internal organs, increases appetite and improves digestion. It remarkably strengthens the immune system, thanks to the sufficient number of necessary elements and phytoncides.
Secondly, laurel leaves have been used since ancient times as an antidote and disinfectant, as well as a means to increase concentration and get rid of insomnia.
The benefit of laurel leaf lies in the high content of essential oil, and therefore it is often used for the manufacture of veterinary preparations and therapeutic ointments.
Damage to the bay leaf
As for the harm of the bay leaf, when using it, some undesirable side effects may make themselves felt. With diseases of the liver and heart, you need to use it in meager quantities, and with renal failure and disorders of protein metabolism, doctors generally advise to abandon this spice.
Laurel leaf is a fairly allergenic and poisonous plant, therefore, in order to avoid adverse consequences, the dosage should be strictly observed, given the factor of tendency to allergic reactions.
Expectant mums who are unable to give up their favourite condiment should bear in mind that eating bay leaf simply needs to be kept to a minimum (it has an effect that boosts uterine activity, which can lead to miscarriage).
laurel leaf 313 kCal
Energy value of bay leaf (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 7.61 g (~ 30 kCal)
Fats: 8.36 g (~ 75 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 48.67 g (~ 195 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 10% | 24% | 62%