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Galangal root

Galangal root...

Galangal spice is the root of a plant called Alpinia medicinal or kalgan, there is also the name galangal small. All these names correspond to a plant that belongs to the genus Alpinia and belongs to the large Ginger family. The appearance of the galangal root resembles ginger. Galangal is found in the Mediterranean region, in Africa, as well as in Central and Western Asia, the Caucasus and North America.

In its structure and appearance, kalgan belongs to the category of perennial herbaceous plants, which reach a height of no more than
1. 5 meters. The plant blooms in white and dark pink flowers, galangal root is eaten and used in traditional medicine recipes. It is noteworthy that in the wild, the galangal plant can only be found on the island territory of Chinese Hainan.

Galangal is currently grown specifically, like other spices, in the Southeast Asian region, India, China and Japan. Galangal root contains a large amount of essential oils, which give the rhizome of the plant a pleasant camphor aroma. Moreover, the oil content of the compounds determines the useful properties of the kalgan. The smell of crushed galangal root resembles the aromas of myrtle or cardamom. The properties of kalgan are used in cooking as a spice, and vinegar and medicinal infusions are also made on the basis of the plant to improve digestion.

Usually a fresh plant root or dried galangal is found on the market. Many Asian dishes use fresh galangal root or dried plant powder. In addition to the rhizome in cooking, the leaves and stems of the plant are used, which also give the dishes a distinctive taste and aroma. Galangal works beautifully with roasted beef or potato soup. The root of the galangal plant is added to vegetable and fish dishes, used as an ingredient in meat sauces or seasoned with rice spice.

Benefits of Calgan

Alpinia is not in vain a medicinal plant. Asian folk medicine has long known the benefits of kalgan. Diseases such as malaria or cholera are common in Asia. Galangal seeds can become not only an excellent preventive, but also a therapeutic agent in the event of a severe illness, as well as in case of poisoning, heartburn and indigestion. The main benefit of kalgan lies in the unique natural composition of the plant. Based on the root of galangal, medicinal infusions are made that help in the treatment of exhaustion, headaches, migraines, as well as hypochondria and seasickness.

In Chinese medicine, galangal is used in drug collections and infusions that help strengthen human immunity. It is believed that regular consumption of galangal root in fresh form stimulates the internal heat of a person, i. e. warms the stomach and normalizes the digestive process, as well as accelerates the metabolism.

Galangal root 0.1 kCal

Energy value of galangal root (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 400% | 900% | 400%