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Chinese ground pepper

Chinese ground pepper...

Seasonings and spices play an extremely important role in human life. Moreover, without them, she can lose her zest. After all, few people can abandon the pleasant aromas of cinnamon and cloves, the sweetness of vanilla and brown granulated sugar, saffron, coriander seeds, sesame and many other natural wonders that are added to almost every dish. This time we will talk about a product such as Chinese ground pepper. Often it is also called Sichuan and Japanese.

Pepper consists of dried membranes of mature fruits of some species of "toothwood. " It grows in northern China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan. The finished spice is brick-red kernels with half-open sashes.

Eating Chinese ground pepper

Chinese ground pepper is actively used in the cuisine of China and all other countries where it grows. The product is perfectly combined with fish dishes and other seafood, as well as poultry and pork. Often it can be found in confectionery. Some unfortunate culinary experts sometimes advise to replace it with standard white pepper, but this approach is fundamentally wrong, since Chinese ground pepper has relatively less burning tingling and tastes more pleasant. It is also devoid of a strong smell, in which the citrus note is guessed.

Often, the product is combined with some other additives and spices: badian, onion or fresh ginger root. In Western Europe and North America, they are usually flavored with seafood dishes. It is also found in various sauces.

Foodies can sift through Chinese ground pepper and mix it with salt to produce an exotic Chinese seasoning - "huajeian. " In addition, the product is added to various cocktails. The most popular of these is the Salers martini.

Caution when eating Chinese ground pepper

Like any product, pepper can cause individual intolerance in humans under the guise of an allergic reaction. In this case, its use should be stopped and seek advice from a specialized specialist. Also, pepper abuse can lead to indigestion and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese pepper ground kKal

Energy value of Chinese ground pepper (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)