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Black salt thursday

Black salt thursday...

The diet of the inhabitants of the planet is significantly different and depends on cultural traditions, climatic characteristics, personal preferences and many other factors of great importance. However, one can hardly argue with the statement that salt is the main food additive that is used in culinary delights to give a clearer taste. According to statistics, salt is consumed by the vast majority of people in our country. Few people know that its abuse not only harms the figure, but can also be fatal (it is enough to eat 30-35 grams of salt).

The quality of table salt sold in hypermarkets often leaves much to be desired. It is no coincidence that she received an impartial second name - "white death. " The real find for the consumer will be Thursday's black salt. Other features indicate that it has amazing therapeutic properties. The eco-friendly product has a pleasant taste and smell. In addition, historically, black salt was used as a cure for ailments, served as a charm for damage and quarrels.

The benefits of Thursday's black salt

Anyone can include black salt in their diet. It is ideal for people suffering from kidney and heart disease, as well as hypotension and hypertension. It contains a mass of selenium elements. Also, Thursday's black salt is rich in magnesium ions, calcium and potassium, which favorably affects the condition of human teeth and bones.

Many people use Thursday black salt as an adsorbent. Carbon contributes to the removal of toxins, and the therapeutic effect is completely similar to that of activated carbon.

For a long time, Thursday salt was made on the night of Wednesday to Thursday Holy Week or in the morning on Clean Thursday. The lending says that such salt is indeed endowed with magical power. Black salt is often used in dietetics. It minimally traps water in the body. In addition, it lacks any calorie content.

The harms of Thursday's black salt

Talking about the dangers of this product is at least incorrect. After all, Thursday's black salt was used by our distant ancestors and for centuries has proven to be highly effective. The only warning to heed is to avoid excessive consumption of the product.

Thursday black salt 0.01 kCal

Energy value of Thursday's black salt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%