Ground bird cherry
One has only to pronounce a fragrant bird cherry bloomed, and everyone will immediately present snow-white flowers on the tree, which spoil and tune in a romantic way. Ordinary bird cherry is a small shrub that gets along perfectly in our difficult climate. What is interesting initially bird cherry began to grow in the countries of East Asia (China) and Africa (Morocco).
Mature fruits of bird cherry, inflorescences and even bark are used for medical purposes. Bird cherry blooms in May, and the fruits are tied between July and September. You can independently collect fruits, flowers and bird cherry bark, and then prepare them using drying.
You can dry the fruits and flowers of bird cherry in the sun, in the oven, in special dryers, as well as in the oven. However, it is worth remembering that bird cherry will lose its healing properties and qualities if it is dried out or chosen the wrong and too high temperature for drying. The optimal temperature is not exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.
Dried bird cherry fruits are stored for no more than 5 years, and flowers are stored for one year at all. In nature, there are only 3 varieties of bird cherry tree - Ordinary and Late bird bird, as well as Virgin bird bird. In the USA and Canada, breeders have bred new varieties of bird cherry, the fruits of which are larger in size and have a more saturated and pronounced taste.
The fact is that bird cherry fruits are often used in the food industry and not only in the West. From time immemorial, the Slavs used not only the healing properties of bird cherry, but also made flour from it. In modern times, another name for ground bird cherry is more common.
The tradition of harvesting bird cherry and making flour from it came from the northern peoples, residents of Siberia and the Urals. Ground bird cherry is obtained during grinding of bird cherry fruits, which were previously cleaned and dried. The bird cherry's color is ground pink-brown, and the smell is similar to almonds.
Ground bird cherry flour was used in baking, mixed with wheat or rye flour and baked bread, buns, pies and even specific Shangi. Dried bird cherry is an absolutely environmentally friendly product that is an excellent source of biologically active substances and vitamins. Ground bird cherry contains no artificial dyes, additives or harmful preservatives.
The composition of bird cherry is ground and has a high content of citric acid, iron, vitamin C and carotene. Nowadays, ground bird cherry is used for the manufacture of not only confectionery products. In the liquor industry, ground bird cherry is often used to make light tinctures. Non-alcoholic production does not bypass the fruits of bird cherry. Delicious and healthy jelly, vitamin drinks and even kvass contain ground bird cherry.
cherry cherry ground 100.8 kCal
Energy value of ground bird cherry (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 8.4 g (~ 34 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 16.8 (~ 67 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 33% | 0% | 67%