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Orange peel

Orange peel...

Oranges are the wonderful, juicy fruit many of us love. All of us have probably heard about the beneficial properties of these wonderful fruits, but not everyone knows about what orange peel can give us, the benefits of which also deserve great attention.

The peel is called the crust of various citrus fruits: orange, mandarin, grapefruit, pomeranian (bitter orange) and lemon. The spices used for food are exclusively colored top layer of peel, but without subcortical white layer. The zest has a rough surface with orange, red or yellow colors, while it is distinguished by a sour-sweet taste with a small hill. Cooking uses zest fresh or often dried, powdered or simply grated. The calorie content of orange peel is 97 kcal per 100 grams of spice.

Orange peel is used as a natural flavor that can easily replace salt, mayonnaise or ketchup, and this significantly reduces the calorie content of the dishes themselves. You can use the beneficial properties of orange peel in salads to give them aroma, as well as add them to various drinks and lemonades. In addition, delicious candied fruits are also prepared from the zest of this fragrant fruit. Citrus peel is an excellent basis for the manufacture of essential oils, which in turn are components of many medicines.

Benefits of orange peel

This spice cannot "boast" of the presence of sodium and fat in its composition, however, the benefits of orange peel are manifested differently: fourteen percent of the daily intake of vitamin C is found in only 6 grams of dry peel. Potassium, which is available in sufficient quantities in this spice, entering the human body, converts sugars into a useful glycogen, which contributes to the regulation of blood pressure and is an ideal source of energy.

The benefits of orange peel as a natural medicine have been scientifically proven in the treatment of edema, since it is able to bring the water-salt balance to normal. And also, tincture with the use of this spice facilitates the monthly condition of women. Do not discard the peel by eating juicy flesh - the zest fights against harmful cholesterol, significantly reducing its level to normal.

Harm to orange peel

It can be argued with full responsibility that the harm of the orange peel is practically unknown, but there are cases when local allergic reactions occur when this spice is consumed excessively. And so it is believed that all parts of the orange, including zest, do not pose a threat to human health.

orange peel 97 kCal

Energy value of orange peel (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.5 g (~ 6 kCal)
Fats: 0.2 g (~ 2 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 14.4 g (~ 58 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 2% | 59%