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Tuna fish belong to the mackerel family, but unlike its relatives, this inhabitant of the water depths is truly huge in size. So, some tuna individuals can reach five and a half meters, and the largest weight that was recorded and is a world record is 684 kilograms.

Due to the excellent gastronomic qualities and useful properties of tuna, this fish is popular and stable in demand among many peoples of the world. Accordingly, quite a lot of methods for its preparation are known. For example, Basques prepare a dish called Marmitako - a fish stew based on tuna, sweet pepper and potatoes. Italians simply adore Carpaccio from the raw meat of this fish. And in the Land of the Rising Sun, smoked tuna is used as a sushi filling.

Today, tuna fish are present in stores, as a rule, already cut into steaks or in the form of fillet - practically without bones and skin. In addition, tuna minced meat can also be purchased in some European countries. The calorie content of tuna is 139 kcal per 100 grams.

If you have purchased vacuum-packed tuna fillet, take your time to open it immediately, and first of all let the fish thaw completely at room temperature. Thawed fish flesh should be homogeneous - not torn or loose, and also odorless. Pieces that are cut from the lateral or dorsal muscles of tuna are characterized by a rich red color, but lighter shades can also be found. If there are dark areas, it is customary to delete them.

When cooking this fish, you should know several secrets for the taste of tuna to fully reveal. If you decide to grill or pan it, turn and remove the tuna from the heat as soon as a ruddy crust forms on the surface, otherwise it is possible that the meat will be tough and tasteless. A piece is considered perfectly cooked, which is light pink on the slice in the middle, and brownish at the edges.

Tuna benefits

After a considerable amount of research, scientists came to the conclusion that the benefit of tuna lies in its rich composition. So, if you consume 30 grams of meat of this fish every day, you can halve the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the increased content of the fat complex, which is called Omega-


And in general, the benefits of tuna for the human body are obvious, because this is a real treasure trove of amino acids, vitamins, macro and trace elements. Thanks to this composition, people who regularly eat it have very strong immunity, which means they are largely less susceptible to various diseases.

Tuna harm

But this fish also has its own contraindications. In particular, the likely harm of tuna can manifest itself in people with renal failure, as well as those who have individual intolerance to this product.

tuna 139 kCal

Energy value of tuna (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 24.4 g (98 kCal ~)
Fats: 4.6 g (~ 41 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 70% | 30% | 0%