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Fish ide

Fish ide...

Ide fish or Leuciscus idus is a member of the Karpov family. Among the people, small fish fish are called ide nothing more than sublangs. A distinctive feature of fish ide can be considered the distribution range. Researchers claim. that ide fish are common in the waters of the vast majority of European states.

Ide fish are not found in the southern and also southeastern part of Europe. In addition, fish ide is not common in Siberia, as well as Yakutia. The waters of the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as rivers such as the Volga, Emba and Ural, are excellent for fish habitat. Some time ago, ide fish were successfully introduced into the reservoirs of North America.

Currently, ide fish feels great in the US state of Connecticut. As a rule, adult ripples reach a maximum length of 53 cm. The weight of the average fish is 2 kg. However, science knows the case of record for this type of fish, when one individual of the ulcer reached 90 cm in length and weighed 8 kg.

Usually, the life cycle of fish ide is limited to 20 years. It is worth noting that all subspecies of ide fish differ depending on the distribution range, as well as age. The fish has a fairly massive body. Experts note that many newcomers-anglers, as well as buyers, often confuse fish ide with chub or roach.

In the vast majority of cases, fish fish ide will be a freshwater fish species. However, some subspecies of ide fish can freely live in the salt water of sea bays. True, in its total mass, ide fish live in freshwater rivers, ponds, as well as lakes. This species of fish feeds on both plant and animal food.

The basis of the fish diet is insects, as well as mollusks, sea worms and aquatic vegetation. In cooking, ide fish were able to take their rightful place among other varieties of inhabitants of the deep sea.

However, it is worth noting that fish ide is distinguished by the presence of a fairly large amount of bones in meat. Generally, fish meat is white or yellowish. Most often, ide fish is boiled, fried, and also baked both in the oven and over an open fire.

It is also worth emphasizing that canned food is made from fish, as well as fillings for homemade baking. Salted, as well as smoked ide fish, are especially popular and in demand. In addition to taste and consumer characteristics, it is worth paying attention to the vitamin and mineral composition of fish, which is bypassed by a number of substances that are certainly useful for the human body.

fish ide 116.5 kCal

Fish energy value ide (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Squirrels: 19 g. (~ 76 kCal)
Fats: 4.5 g (~ 41 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 65% | 35% | 0%