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Fish anglerfish (marine feature)

Fish anglerfish (marine feature)...

Fish anglerfish (marine feature) refers to predatory fish of the order of anglerfish. It got its name because of its rather unattractive appearance - the naked body of this fish is covered by numerous leathery outgrowths and bone tubercles. In addition, on both sides of the head of the fish, an angler (sea trait), as well as on the edge of the lips and jaw, skin fragments hang in the fringe, which move in the water like algae, but this makes it inconspicuous against the background of the soil.

The length of the adult reaches two meters, but the most common fish is the anglerfish (marine trait) 1-
1. 5 meters. At the same time, the mass of this terrible giant can be even more than 20 kilograms.

The anglerfish (sea trait) uses a special hunting method, due to which it is called the anglerfish - the fish literally catches its prey by fishing rod. The fact is that on her head there is a long process, bent forward and resembling a worm that glows at the end. If an angler (marine trait) approaches the fish, which is sure it has found easy prey, the insidious predator simply opens its huge mouth and swallows it.

The way some varieties of these deep-sea fish breed is also quite interesting. They wash caviar at great depth, after which the eggs, surfacing, transform into young. When the fry reach a length of 8 millimeters, they again return to a depth of about a kilometer. In this case, male individuals cling to the female. The mouth area of ​ ​ the male fish, the anglerfish (sea trait), begins to fuse with the skin of the female, uniting even with blood systems. After that, the female develops, while the male on her body turns into an appendage.

From a gastronomic point of view, the anglerfish (marine trait) has a dense texture and a rather low level of fat content. Its meat taste is pleasant, soft, a little sweet. However, the only edible part of this rather impressive fish size is the tail, which has a considerable number of cooking options.

In Europe and North America, the meat of fish is widely used for culinary purposes and is often compared to lobster in taste and texture. In Asia, especially in Japan and Korea, this fish is a delicacy. Once on the menu of Spanish or French cuisine, the fish meat of the angler (sea devil) can do honor to any festive table.

The white, dense, extremely tender and bone-free meat of the angler (sea trait) fish is suitable both for frying in pieces and for grilling in the form of chopped cubes, which are placed on skewers. In addition, this fish is boiled and stewed.

The anglerfish (sea devil) is especially popular in France, where its tail meat is used to prepare delicious dishes, for example, with boiled vegetables, while its head, if obtained from fishermen, is used for boiling soup.

fish anglerfish (sea trait) 68.2 kCal

The energy value of fish is the anglerfish (marine trait) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 14.8 (~ 59 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 87% | 13% | 0%