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Fish battering ram

Fish battering ram...

The Azov-Black Sea ram fish (Rutilus heckelii) is essentially one of the varieties of ordinary roach. However, the distinctive features of the tarani compared to the roach are considered to be the large height of the fish body, smaller scales, fewer rays in the posterior fin, blackish marginal line of paired fins and thickened teeth.

The average length of a ram fish reaches 35 centimeters with a maximum weight of
1. 8 kilograms. As a rule, ram is found in the Black Sea and Azov, for throwing caviar in the spring entering rivers and partially in the fall for wintering. Most tarani individuals winter in the seas at the mouths of rivers, but in general this fish does not rise high in the rivers.

Due to the fact that ram fish entered the trading network, as a rule, in a jerky form, representing the favorite food of the peoples of the Don, Kuban and the entire Azov region, the name ram is now understood as a product obtained not only from this type of fish, but also when mixing different small fish. By the way, on the Don they call the ram and dried wobble brought in abundance from the Volga.

Previously, the Sea of ​ ​ Azov, along with the rivers flowing into it, especially the Don, gave truly colossal amounts of ram fish, which was an important item of fishing. So, whole mountains of dried tarani were brought to the fish market, which was far from famous in former times, which was located on the Gnilovskaya village, and from where the fish was transported by the Chumaks throughout Ukraine.

To date, there is a complete impoverishment of the Azov basin with ram fish, which there is nowhere else to catch. The reason for this disappearance can be called not only the limitless fishing of ram fish before its spawning, as well as the destruction of young individuals. Adverse natural circumstances for the development of swept caviar also have an important impact on the creation of a sad state of affairs with ram fish in modern times.

Tarani benefits

As you know, the content of certain useful substances in the composition of fish can change depending on its age, living and nutrition conditions, seasonal changes and even sex. Regarding the benefits of tarani, we can say that this type of fish has a lot of easily digestible protein in its composition, which has an extremely favorable effect on human health.

In addition, the benefit of tarani for the human body lies in the presence of some vitamins (in particular PP), as well as mineral salts. Among the latter, it is worth noting sulfur, chlorine, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, chromium and fluorine. The calorie content of tarani in fresh form is about 88 kcal.

fish ram 88 kCal

Energy value of fish ram (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%