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Sunfish are called differently: the common sunfish, the sunny, the Japanese sunfish or even the blacksmith, but all this belongs to one species of fish in the family from the family Sunnikovye (Zeidae), which is quite widely eaten. On average, the body length of a sunflower fish is about 60 centimeters with a weight of 4 kilograms, although sometimes you can find individuals up to 90 centimeters in size, which weigh up to 20 kilograms. In a natural environment, the lifespan of fish can be approximately twelve years.

The shape of the sunfish is quite flat, while the axis of the plane in it passes not as in the flounder horizontally, but, on the contrary, vertically. On both sides of this species, which differs in gray-yellow, there is a round black speck, often framed by a strip of yellow color. As legend goes, this is the fingerprint of the apostle Peter himself. In addition, there is a belief that he pulled a gold coin from the mouth of a sunflower fish.

Sunfish can be found in the eastern basin of the Atlantic Ocean, which extends from southern Africa to Norway itself, as well as in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. In addition, this species of fish is widespread in the Indian Ocean.

The gastronomic qualities and beneficial properties of the sunflower make this fish quite attractive to the consumer. Its meat is tender and soft, while characterized by a light hue and a rather pleasant taste. Often sunfish is used in cooking to prepare broth, which is rich and fragrant.

However, the most common recipes where this fish is involved are those that provide for frying - it is using this cooking method that you can get extremely tasty meat. In industrial production, sunfish is often used to make jar preserves with the addition of various sauces. The meat of this fish matures perfectly in low salinity, in the process acquiring high taste and tenderness.

Especially the taste of sunflower is highly appreciated in Italian cuisine, where chefs gladly add the meat of this fish to popular dishes such as risotto, pasta or polenta. In Russian cuisine, sunfish is often supplemented with onion-garlic sauce based on white wine, as well as baked potatoes. This fish goes well with fennel, tomatoes and petiole celery.

In addition, one cannot but say about the beneficial properties of sunflower for human health, because its meat contains many mineral salts and vitamin PP. Such fish are recommended to be consumed by people with cardiovascular ailments and those who want to lose excess weight, since the nutritional value of the sun is only 9

5. 4 kcal.

sunfish 95.4 kCal

The energy value of sunfish fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.9 g (~ 76 kCal)
Fats: 2.2 g (~ 20 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 79% | 21% | 0%