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Sea bass fish or sea wolf

Sea bass fish or sea wolf...

Seabass fish or sea wolf is a premium fish, as it has very few bones, and seabass meat is distinguished by its extraordinary tenderness and subtle taste. In addition, excellent gastronomic qualities along with the low calorie content of seabass have long made this fish one of the favorite varieties of seafood on the table of adherents of proper nutrition.

The habitat of seabass fish is quite wide - the Atlantic from Morocco and Senegal to Norway, the Black and Mediterranean Seas. It is successfully bred artificially in Spain, Italy and France. Notably, seabass along with tuna and dorado is the main fish of the Mediterranean inhabitants' table.

The value of this fish, as well as the beneficial properties of seabass, are determined primarily by its origin. Thus, most of the market is represented by selective seabass, which is grown on artificial feed in fish farms. But the most valuable product, without a doubt, is considered a "wild protein, " that is, a fish that was caught in the wild. It is clear that its benefits and taste qualities are directly proportional to the price, which, by the way, is quite high. Determining the freshness of a sea bass fish is quite easy: it should have clean eyes that are not tightened by a whitish film, as well as gills of bright red color and an elastic, elastic body without dents.

Today, there are many ways to prepare seabass fish. Many chefs fry, steam, simmer, admire in a small amount of water or languish this delicious fish in oil. Seabass dishes are highly popular all over the world. For example, one of the favorite recipes for many was seebass baked in salt, which is usually served directly in a salt shell.

But no matter how you make seabass, remember that the main factor is the preservation of the freshness and natural taste of the fish. The main commandment of any experienced cook when handling seabass fish is the ability not to dry the fish. Basically, before frying, flaked and gutted fish are coated with olive oil, sprayed with lemon juice, salted a little and pepper. In addition, it is often stuffed with fragrant herbs and fresh herbs. Be sure to place the seebass wrapped in foil with a seam up to avoid juice leakage.

Benefits of Sibas

According to the latest studies, the human health benefits of seabass are contained in a huge content of omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Accordingly, experts recommend eating this fish as often as possible for people with heart disease, age-related pathologies, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the benefits of seabass are also justified for those who try to monitor their weight. So, due to the insignificant calorie content of seebass and the presence of a large amount of easily digestible protein, seebass meat is perfectly digested and does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds.

Sibas fish 99 kKal

Energy value of shibas fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18 g (~ 72 kCal)
Fats: 3g (~ 27kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 73% | 27% | 0%