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Herring fish

Herring fish...

Herring fish, and herring among the people is perhaps the most popular fish in Russian feast. Any hostess will immediately tell you a few simple and at the same time delicious dishes with herring. The northern peoples of Finland are also not averse to eating herring fish. Indeed, it was in this country that fishing was considered the main engine of the economy from ancient times.

The Finns' love for herring is so great that annually fans of herring fish organize a large-scale event in the capital Helsinki. Baltic Herring Festival has been held annually since the 18th century. This is an international congress of harvesters, growers and lovers of herring fish.

Herring fish belong to the Herring family, which mainly live in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. In addition to herring, the Seldev family includes such fish as Kilka, Sprots, Sardines. There are several main types of herring fish - Atlantic, Eastern, Chilean herring. Herring fish mainly live in sea waters, but it happens that herring can be caught in fresh water.

The type of herring fish and the taste of its meat directly depend. Some varieties of herring are considered less fatty and more bony. In this case, the low calorie content of herring fish allows you to consume it as a dietary food. Herring with fatty meat is also found, it is more often smoked, and not preserved, salted or marinated.

A special type of herring is known, which is harvested in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation. The calorie content of Zalom herring fish (large fleshy fish) reaches 246 Kcal per 100 grams of product. A classic example of how fish can be both a dietary and high-calorie product. True, if you do not abuse, then herring, even fatty varieties, will not cause significant harm to your body or figure.

Herring benefits

Nutritionists and doctors argue that any fish is healthy and must necessarily be included in the diet of a healthy person. The benefit of herring fish lies in its chemical and biological composition. In fish, herring contains a sufficient amount of amino acids indispensable for humans. These acids are considered so indispensable because they are not produced independently in our organisms.

And during our lives we have to replenish them with fish and seafood, for example. Vitamin A, which is found in herring, helps our vision. Vitamin D supports the human immune system and contributes to the prevention of a variety of diseases. All this, together with oleic acid, which refers to natural fatty compounds known for their saturating properties, prove the great benefit of herring fish for human life.

Harms herring

Such a useful product on all sides as herring has its own contraindications. Herring can cause quite serious harm when people suffering from leaks consume it in large quantities and in salty form. In the process of salting, fish use a large amount of edible salt, which traps water in the body.

fish herring 88 kCal

The energy value of fish herring (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%