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Fish fisherman

Fish fisherman...

Fish fish, which is otherwise also called cheese, is a fish of small size of the carp family. As a rule, its habitat is considered to be all major rivers and lakes in Europe, where a fisherman can grow up to half a meter in length with a maximum weight of three kilograms. However, in the Don, the average fish size is barely more than 30 centimeters in length and weighs 100-350 grams.

It is worth noting that the fish fisherman provides a fairly wide scope for creativity in terms of culinary affairs. Since this fish is very close in origin to carp, accordingly, its meat tastes like the meat of this fish. It is distinguished by white color, fat and tenderness.

A magnificent dish will be made from fish fish if baked in the oven or over an open fire. In this case, the tender fish meat will be so juicy that it just melts in the mouth. By the way, a rare carp can be compared in taste with fish by a fisherman, who can give odds to many fish about the taste qualities in fried form. But a special delicacy is considered a hot smoking fisherman. Therefore, for the pleasure of tasting such an amazing meal, you should not be lazy and tinker with a smokehouse. Undoubtedly, no one bothers to boil a fish and a fragrant boiled ear from fish.

By the way, frozen fillet and fish carcasses are also suitable for cooking numerous dishes, like a chilled product. This is due to the fact that during a shock freeze, the meat of this fish does not lose its taste, so you can fully enjoy its taste.

Fish meat contains a lot of easily digestible protein and at the same time poorly harmful saturated fats, in connection with which it is recommended to use it for people with stomach ulcers and sick hearts. In addition, the fish contains valuable amino acids in the delicate flesh of the fish, such as: lysine, methionine, taurine and tryptophan. For example, taurine contributes to the prevention of edema, the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis, therefore it is very important for the cardiovascular system.

As part of the fish, the fisherman has a fairly large amount of fluoride - an element that is responsible for the condition of bones, tooth enamel, blood cells and the brain. Due to this, the fisherman is useful to eat for the prevention of tooth decay, osteoporosis and rickets. In addition, fish meat is rich in chromium, which regulates blood glucose levels, thereby improving metabolic processes in myocardial cells. Molybdenum in this fish prevents the development of anemia.

fish fisherman 88 kKal

Fish fish energy value (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%