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Rotan fish

Rotan fish...

Rather interesting rotan fish are often called differently - rotan head, head or grass. But all these names refer to one fish from the Goloveshkovy family of the genus Goloveshki. In addition, in the second half of the last century, it was customary among aquarists to call rotana the Amur bull.

The original habitat of rotan fish is considered to be the Amur River basin, northern North Korea, the Russian Far East, as well as northeastern China. Interestingly, the ingress of rotan fish in the 20th century into Lake Baikal is considered by many scientists as biological pollution.

This is due to the fact that rotana is quite often called weedy fish, but in reality this is not entirely true. When prepared correctly, dense white rotan meat is very tasty, and in almost any form. As a rule, rotan hostesses cook, fry or bake. In addition, cold snacks are prepared on its basis, ear or fish soup is boiled, and many other hot dishes are made and pies are even baked.

An interesting dish turns out if you first gut and decapitate the fish, put it in a deep pan, transferring it in layers in onions and carrots, and then simmer it until the bones are completely softened.

By the way, rotan fish are very often preferred to be salted and dried, and only fresh fish meat is used for drying. It is believed that if the catch lies for at least a few hours, the first-class rotane product will not work. So, the calorie content of rotan is on average about 88 kcal, which fall on a hundred grams of fresh meat of this fish, and this is considered a rather low indicator of nutritional value.

Types of rotans

There are 3 types of rotans, while the one that is quite widespread in our country is called the head - this dark fish has a dark head in size that occupies almost a third of the entire length. Meanwhile, with a maximum length of 25 centimeters, rotan weight can reach up to 500 grams, but this is typical for the largest specimens. Standard rattan fish sizes range from 10-14 centimeters.

Rotane benefits

In addition to distinctive taste and quite worthy consumer properties, the benefits of rotan for the human body are also known - it is due to the vitamin and mineral composition of this fish. Thus, rotane meat contains vitamin PP, as well as natural compounds necessary for normal human life - sulfur, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, chlorine, chromium and nickel.

fish rotan 88 kCal

Energy value of fish rotan (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%