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Fish sea bass

Fish sea bass...

Sea bass is a representative of the family of scorpenic suborder percoid order perch-like. Outwardly, this fish is characterized by a bright pink color and the presence of sharp fins, the injection of which is considered very painful and can even cause local inflammation. It is noteworthy that the smallest species of sea bass sometimes reach a length of no more than twenty centimeters, despite the fact that large ones exceed one meter. Fish can weigh 15 kilograms, but most often not such giants go on sale - a maximum of two kilograms.

To the taste of meat, sea bass occupies one of the leading positions among fish living in seawater. There are many recipes for cooking sea bass meals. It features a rather fatty white meat that stays fresh for a long time. This fish is especially tasty in salty and smoked form, but many cooks often fry or boil sea bass. Cutting this representative of the underwater kingdom is not an easy matter, as it requires special caution due to sharp fins. It is gratifying that today you can buy sea bass fresh in its whole form, in the form of fillet and salty.

Sea bass is especially popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, where it is often called spring fish, since marine fishing begins in early spring with the catch of these marine life. Another name for mebaru comes from the distinctive properties of sea bass - fish have huge, disproportionate to the body of the eye. Rockfish are considered typically Japanese fish due to the fact that it acts as a traditional ingredient in sushi, sashimi, rolls, soups and other dishes.

Species of sea bass

To date, there are about ninety species of sea bass in the natural environment. All of them mainly live in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but are sometimes found in the North Pacific Ocean. The sea bass prefers to live mainly in cold waters at a depth of half a kilometer.

The largest catches of numerous species of sea bass are carried out by trawling in the water area of ​ ​ Northern Norway. In addition, during the spring season, specialized fishing of this fish is carried out north of Medvezhiy Island along the shelf edge. Year-round, sea bass is mined in the Svalbard region and most of Norway's economic zone.

Benefits of sea bass

The calorie content of sea bass is 79 kcal per hundred grams, which is completely small, so every seafood lover can afford dishes based on it. The benefits of sea bass are obvious not only for adherents of dietary kicking - the meat of this fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, the content of which can sometimes reach 1 gram per hundred grams of raw product.

Rockfish meat is a good source of proteins, which is very useful for the brain, and due to the presence of vitamin B12, regular consumption of this product contributes to DNA synthesis. In addition, the benefits of sea bass lie in the health of the skin and mucous membranes, the digestive and nervous systems, and the human thyroid gland.

fish sea bass 79 kKal

The energy value of fish is sea bass (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15.31 (~ 61 kCal)
Fats: 1.54 g. (~ 14 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 78% | 18% | 0%