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Lamprey fish

Lamprey fish...

Lamprey fish or Petromyzontidae are quite unusual inhabitants of the deep sea, which occupy a special place in the global culinary tradition. At its core and biological structure, lampreys are a group of lower vertebrates that tend to reach a length of 100 cm. Currently, science knows about 40 different species of lamprey fish that live in the waters of the temperate climate zone in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres of planet Earth.

It is worth noting that such a fish as lamprey can be found in the Arctic Ocean. All varieties of lamprey fish are divided into two main groups. The first group includes lamprey fish, which live in the salt water of the oceans and seas. The second group is made up of lampreys, common in fresh water. What is interesting is that, at its core, lamprey fish is a parasite that infects individuals of large fish, usually salmon species.

Currently, lamprey fish belong to important commercial species. Due to the popularity of lamprey, some species of fish are on the verge of extinction. Lampreys have an unusual structure and appearance that is far from the standard idea of ​ ​ fish. Lamprey fish have a long body and mucous skin. The original name of the edible parasite or lamprey fish is literally translated as "licking stone. "

Such a talking name lamprey was given for the ability of fish to suck to hard surfaces. Parasitic lamprey species are sucked to fish and thus feed on the blood of other individuals. In appearance, lamprey fish have similarities to freshwater species of eels. Often lamprey is called lamprey eel, which means "eel lamprey. "

Due to its unique structure, zoologists do not classify the biological species of lamprey as a classic fish pitchfork. However, this state of affairs absolutely does not prevent the use of lamprey for culinary purposes and the consumption of fish for food. Researchers have found reliable evidence that fish such as lampreys were known to people at the dawn of human civilization.

The benefits of lamprey

The unique benefits of lamprey were known to ancient Romans, who considered the fish a delicacy. The peculiarity of lampreys is due to the chemical composition of fish meat, which is characterized by a fairly high percentage of fat. Currently, lamprey fish is especially popular in the countries of Southwest Europe, namely in Spain, Portugal, and in addition to France.

The benefits of lamprey, like other species of fish, are primarily explained by the vitamin-mineral composition of fish. as a rule, use lamprey in pickled or canned form. In addition, lamprey fish can be fried or baked.

lamprey fish 88 kCal

The energy value of lamprey fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.5 (~ 70 kCal)
Fats: 2g (~ 18kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 80% | 20% | 0%