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Fish bream

Fish bream...

Young freshwater bream fish, which belong to the carp family, are called understorey, and old ones are called chebaks. This fish lives in ponds, lakes and reservoirs, preferring silty, clay bottom and deep backwaters. Often, bream fish are specially bred in natural and artificial reservoirs.

Fish bream can be easily recognized due to several distinctive features. Namely, a flattened body, a small head and mouth, a high and not too wide dorsal fin, as well as a groove with scales on its sides. This fish is not particularly large in size, reaching a length of up to 40 centimeters, although some fishermen claim that they came across a fishing rod and a 70-centimeter bream with scales the size of a five-heel coin.

And if even a fisherman with fish smiles luck, not every individual will get into the kitchen, because the trifle, thin and bony, is usually not cooked. By the way, fishermen even came up with a name for such fish - "plywood. " Dishes prepared from bream fish are truly tasty and juicy if the fish weighs more than
1. 5 kilograms. In addition, the calorie content of bream is directly related to its mass - the larger it is, the higher its nutritional value.

In order to fully get gastronomic pleasure from tasting a variety of dishes based on fish bream, it is necessary to carry out preparatory treatment of this product. It consists in eviscerating, cleaning and removing the gills. Moreover, cleaning this fish is not easy, due to the fact that it has rather tough scales, which are advised to first rub with salt to facilitate removal. Finally, having got rid of the scales, we cut out the gills, not forgetting to thoroughly rinse the carcass under cold running water. Yes, and remember, cuts throughout the fish's body are simply necessary, because it is thanks to this technique that numerous small bones soften during heat treatment.

Among the most popular methods of preparing fish, bream include baking and frying with other products, be it various vegetables or seasonings. In addition, thanks to the relatively low calorie content of bream, this combination of products allows you to enjoy this fish and adherents of dietary nutrition. Spices help to improve the taste of fish: garlic, suneli hops, sage, bay leaf, rosemary are perfectly combined with this product. A very tasty and unusual dish, which includes bream fish, many mistresses call fish roll, for the preparation of which exclusively fish fillet is used.

But the fish bream, baked in foil, undoubtedly looks refined and unusual on the festive table. In addition, this method of preparation is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Foil replaces the Russian oven, and the bream fish prepared in this way is much softer and juicier.

fish bream 105 kCal

The energy value of fish bream (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 17.1 (~ 68 kCal)
Fats: 4.4 g (~ 40 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 65% | 38% | 0%