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Lemonema fish

Lemonema fish...

Lemonema fish belong to the family of mora fish of the order cod-shaped. It is found in the southern part of the Sea of ​ ​ Okhotsk, off the coast of Japan, in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, and is also sometimes found off the coast of Alaska. Lemonema fish are not huge in size, reaching a maximum length of up to 70 centimeters and a weight of

2. 5 kilograms. The brownish body of this fish with small scales is quite long, compressed laterally and narrows towards the tail.

In the fish departments of supermarkets, lemonema fish is sometimes undeservedly deprived of the attention of customers. It has a low price and at the same time its meat is distinguished by a tender taste, you just need to know a few secrets when preparing lemonema fish. In stores, you can find gutted frozen carcasses of this fish, and without a head, tail and scales. On average, one individual weighs 350-400 grams, and when cut on a fillet, it gives an insignificant percentage of waste. And the white meat of this sea fish also includes a sufficient amount of minerals and useful vitamins. Like any inhabitant of cold seawater, lemoneme fish are saturated with fish oil, which belongs to very valuable and useful substances of natural origin.

The meat of the fish is white lemonema, which tastes like cod, but is much more delicate, and there are practically no bones in this fish. In cooking, the way this sea fish is cooked is very simple and accessible to everyone. It is mainly customary to bake or fry it, although you can find an incredible amount of cooking options and various recipes.

Well, if you did acquire lemonema fish and never cooked it, use some simple tips to get a fragrant, juicy and tender dish as a result. So, before frying the fish, be sure to allow it to thaw on its own, and then dip a carcass with a napkin to eliminate watery. By the way, the absence of small bones can be called a huge plus of lemonema fish, and therefore there is no need to make notches before the frying process, as is customary when working with river fish. She has only a ridge bone, from which the finished meat separates with amazing ease.

True foodies who have thoroughly studied lemoneme fish and its gastronomic properties prepare this seafood under marinade, in batter, bake in white wine and even make sushi using this fish. Buy fresh-frozen lemonema fish and unleash your culinary talents by cooking some traditional dish or something exotic and unusual.

lemonema fish 67.2 kCal

The energy value of lemonema fish (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 15.9 (~ 64 kCal)
Fats: 0.4 g (~ 4 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 95% | 5% | 0%